SPOILER ALERT: The following interview contains spoilers from “Comeuppance,” the Season 3 finale of “Mayor of Kingstown,” now streaming on Paramount+. Wrapping up its season quietly...
All hail Marvel Jesus. “Deadpool & Wolverine,” starring Ryan Reynolds (as the Merc With a Mouth who dubs himself the messiah of his world) and Hugh...
Of all the singers in the world to pick a fight with, you’d think anyone would know better than to try it with Jelly Roll. The...
SPOILER ALERT: This story contains spoilers for “Deadpool & Wolverine,” which is now playing in theaters. After making a brief appearance in the 2021 action comedy “Free...
Eminem took the stage for a rare performance at Los Angeles’ BMO Stadium last night, running through a medley of hits at the start of the...
“Deadpool & Wolverine” remains a box office force with $824 million globally after two weekends of release. The comic book sequel, starring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh...
Now “Harold and the Purple Crayon” has arrived in theaters in all its live-action glory. It starts on a surprisingly engaging note: a 2-D animated sequence...
On his quest for the bestselling debut novel, Max takes on the persona and name of Sebastian – which also gives this movie its title –...
This isn’t the first time Hammer has put a gender-swapped spin on the acclaimed Robert Louis Stevenson story – see 1971’s “Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde,”...
Going to their scheduled fly-fishing lesson alone, she meets Loren (Derrick Joseph DeBlasis), the community’s beloved outdoorsman who saddles between fishing lessons, rock climbing sessions, and...