“Stranger Things: The First Shadow,” a stage play based on the hugely popular Netflix series, is heading to Broadway in 2025. The show will run at...
Watch the men’s volleyball semi finals at Olympics 2024 for an unmissable pair of ties in a tournament that’s just exploded into life. Below we have...
CBS has given a pilot order to “Einstein,” from “Monk” creator Andy Breckman. Breckman is adaptinf “Einstein” from a German format; the show revolves around the...
Watch women’s speed climbing final day at Olympics 2024 in an event that’s even faster than the 100m sprint, and promises a climax just as exciting...
I thought, “Oh, I’ll skip reading that piece and save it until I see the movie this weekend.” My wife had already seen it and loved it....
SPOILER ALERT: This story contains spoilers for HBO’s “House of the Dragon” Season 2 finale, titled “The Queen Who Ever Was,” now streaming on Max. After wandering...
Watch Netherlands vs Argentina is the first of the women’s hockey semi-finals. Below we have all the information on how to watch the women’s hockey semi-finals...
Owen Teague commented it was “the most deeply wonderful experience I’ve ever had making a film” and it “recalibrated the way that I think about acting...
If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, Variety may receive an affiliate commission. Bubblies will be served at...
After 11 years of service, the Google Chromecast has been discontinued and sent to the increasingly crowded Google Graveyard. The streaming dongle’s replacement, the Google TV...