Milo Callaghan has been cast as the series lead in “The Rainmaker” at USA Network. The show was originally picked up at the cabler back in...
Cooking shows meet improv comedy in the trailer for Dropout’s Gastronauts. SEE ALSO: Inside ‘Game Changer,’ the internet’s favorite game show The upcoming culinary competition series...
QLEDs have become more popular since Samsung introduced them as competitors to OLED. Despite the push for affordability, they still don’t come cheap. That’s why you...
Blink-182 will release eight new songs as part of the deluxe edition to their 2023 reunion album, “One More Time…” The expanded LP will be released...
Donald Trump seems to think he’s going to get the Swifties on his side. Or at least he’s trying. You’d be forgiven if you missed it,...
Artificial intelligence-powered video maker Runway now offers Gen-3 Alpha Turbo, which augments the recently released Gen-3 Alpha model with even more speed than the successor to...
Michael Madsen was arrested in Malibu on Saturday morning on charges of domestic battery following “a disagreement between” the actor and his wife, DeAnna Madsen. Authorities...
A popular illustration and animation app for iPads has proudly declared that it’s AI-free. On Sunday, Procreate posted a video on X of CEO James Cuda,...
As part of its latest Patch Tuesday cumulative update, Microsoft fixed a privilege escalation bug in the Windows Ancillary Function Driver (AFD.sys) for WinSock. This bug...
Legendary Entertainment has entered into a first-look television deal with Eric Heisserer, Variety has learned exclusively. Under the deal, Heisserer and Carmen Lewis — with whom...