Title Mononoke the Movie: The Phantom in the Rain Director Kenji Nakamura Studio EOTA Release Date 07/26/2024 (Japan), 11/28/2024 (Worldwide) If there is anything negative to...
Chaz Ebert: As Roger Ebert would have said “Two Thumbs Up” for our Top Ten Lists! For a Film Critic, putting together a Top Ten Best...
Eurekas are items in Infinity Nikki that can be used to decorate Nikki’s head, hands, and feet. Upon obtaining a Eureka, fans will discover that it...
Gabriel García Márquez’s 1967 epic novel, Cien Años de Soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude), is Latin American canon, akin to Moby Dick. It won the...
Have you heard of the Plucky Squire? A game with a perspective swapping premise that takes place both in a child’s room and a book. Have...
Summary Prepare a variety of Poke Balls for capturing shiny Rayquaza, as the choice can impact its appearance. Equip held items wisely for the 5-star raid...
Marvel Rivals continues to make waves in the hero-shooter community, surpassing 10 million players in three days. Its familiar playstyle, iconic cast of superhero characters, destructible...
Lumi joins the Wuthering Waves playable roster as an Electro Broadblade user, drawing some parallels to Calcharo but serving as a more accessible 4-star alternative. While...
Quick Links About Mantis in Marvel Rivals How to Play Mantis in Marvel Rivals Marvel Rivals may be similar to hero shooters like Overwatch and Overwatch...
Re-Logic’s epic 2D sandbox game, Terraria, has become one of the biggest, most played indie games since its launch over a decade ago, selling tens of...