“Time Bandits” has been canceled by Apple TV+ after one season, Variety has confirmed. The fantasy series, starring Lisa Kudrow, follows a group of thieves and...
Strands is the NYT’s latest word game after the likes of Wordle, Spelling Bee and Connections – and it’s great fun. It can be difficult, though,...
After a year and a half of Copilot, the generative AI tool is getting to a genuinely useful place. That literal and figurative place is in...
REO Speedwagon has announced that the group will cease touring at the end of the year due to “irreconcilable differences” that arose between bassist Bruce Hall...
Quordle was one of the original Wordle alternatives and is still going strong now nearly 1,000 games later. It offers a genuine challenge, though, so read...
Biotechnology company 23andMe has agreed to pay a $30 million settlement over a massive data breach that affected 6.9 million users. Per Reuters, the genetic testing...
The Emmys brought an average 6.87 million viewers to ABC on Sunday night, a 54% rise in total viewers from the record-low 4.3 million who tuned...
So, I’m a computer hardware journalist, and naturally I do a lot of benchmarking with PC games. That doesn’t mean that anything I’m about to say...
The best TV deals at Target as of Sept. 16: Although we’re already heading into week three of the NFL season, we’re still seeing some pretty...
Donald Glover is set to return as “Star Wars” fan favorite Lando Calrissian in a movie he’s developing for Disney and Lucasfilm alongside his brother and...