“Harbin,” the South Korean spy action thriller that debuted this week at the Toronto International Film Festival, has been picked up for North American release. Well...
Many employers are unaware of how their employees’ experiences in the digital workplace affect productivity, new research has claimed. A report from Scalable Software says nearly...
Republicans don’t seem to know how to handle Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris. In the clip above Daily Show host Jordan Klepper goes through some...
Whether or not it means to be, Boss Kuno‘s “The Paradise of Thorns” is a delightfully macabre soap opera of betrayal and family secrets; it also...
Lots of backup apps are produced by software companies that also churn out loads of other apps in different categories, but that’s not the case with...
I don’t know what Sabrina Carpenter put in her “Me Espresso” tune to make it so addicting, but on the new AirPods 4, it sounds like...
Mipjunior will shine a spotlight on the blockbuster Miraculous franchise with a keynote hosted by Andy Yeatman, the recently appointed CEO of U.S. and global operations...
We’ve been hearing for some months now that Sonos is close to releasing a new TV streaming device. Its existence was first reported back in 2022,...
It’s a good day for Stephen King fans and a bad day for repressed childhood nightmares! On Thursday Max dropped its trailer for the long-awaited remake...
After a scandal-plagued month that called the legitimacy of the Greek Oscar selection process into question and threatened to torpedo the country’s chances at the 97th...