Bangladeshi filmmaker Maksud Hossain is set to unveil his feature directorial debut “Saba” at the Toronto Film Festival. The film tells the story of a young...
What if a ghost could tell its own story but not speak? That is the wildly compelling premise of Presence. Director Steven Soderbergh reteams with Kimi...
Netflix is adding two new documentaries to its content library at the end of the month that tackle very different subjects. So if you can’t get...
Shot over several years, “Youth (Homecoming)” rounds out Wang Bing‘s meticulous documentary trilogy about the shape of China’s youth. At two-and-a-half hours in length, it’s the...
Stephen Colbert has already spent time dissecting the awkwardness of Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance, but the VP candidate’s recent donut shop interaction takes things...
Amazfit has become a great pick for anyone looking for a cheap fitness tracker or a cheaper rival to one of the best Garmin watches, but...
Taiwan-based Andrews Film has picked up international sales rights to drama film “Daughter’s Daughter” ahead of its premiere in the Platform section of the Toronto International...
Huawei’s tri-folding phone, the Mate XT, is seemingly pulling off the greatest trick a folding phone can: It looks ordinary (when folded). In a new teaser...
The Narwal Freo Z Ultra is a new robot vacuum that has been unveiled at IFA 2024. It’s “designed to tackle complex home messes”, and to...
Amidst the labyrinthine shelves of a fulfilment centre in Edinburgh, a lonely picker scans a variety of items that go from sex toys to office knick-knacks....