“Nobody Wants This,” Netflix‘s new romantic-comedy series about the burgeoning relationship between a rabbi (Adam Brody) and a sex podcaster (Kristen Bell), has come under fire...
Key Takeaways Destiny 2 Episode: Revenant Act 1’s entire story will be available when the new episode begins on October 8. New content will include a...
A US jury has ruled Amazon Web Services (AWS) willingly infringed on two patents, and must now pay $30.5 million for violating the patent owner’s rights...
Reddit is changing its rules in a way that may ensure its mods never go rogue again. On Monday, Reddit’s VP of community, Laura Nestler, announced...
Welcome to Horror Explorer, a curated column showcasing the month’s best movies, series, books and everything else spooky worth checking out. I’m William Earl, the editor...
Chief Creative Officer of NetherRealm Studios, Ed Boon, has been fairly open about the possibility of a third entry in the Injustice series. Back in June...
Purchasing the right pair of earbuds requires a careful balancing act between price and features. If you’re looking for earbuds that are super affordable and yet...
Hurricane Helene — which ran a 600-mile long path of destruction through Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas — has decimated communities and forced large portions...
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. [Limited Edition] One of Guy Ritchie’s best films, this 2015 riff on the 1964 television series of the same name features a...
Key Takeaways Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom introduces Zelda as a playable character with a considerable arsenal of unique abilities. The game features 127 echoes that players...