Michael Krummenacher’s World War II drama “The Traitor” (“Landesverräter”) tells the true story of a young man in Switzerland who, seeking to escape the repression of...
As Starfield celebrates its first year with gamers, the space adventure by Bethesda now harbors a passionate community of modders. Once the developer launched its Creation...
We’ve finally made it. It’s October and as we count down to Halloween, there’s horror in abundance, with the best streaming services adding more movies and...
No, it wasn’t as big a deal as the presidential debate, but last night’s VP debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz still came with its...
Berlin-based Picture Tree Intl. has acquired international sales rights for “Frieda’s Case” by Academy Award nominated director Maria Brendle. The film is set for its world...
For many players, their available gaming time is limited due to other interests or responsibilities, so for them, it’s almost always better to get straight to...
New research from online developer community Stack Overflow has revealed the most popular programming languages its developers use. Unsurprisingly, JavaScript remains the most popular language among...
Pluto is the most famous dwarf planet, due in part to its very public demotion from ninth planet of the solar system two decades ago. But...
Beta Film, one of Europe’s biggest and most ambitious independents, has unveiled its Mipcom sales slate, led by 10-part epic “Rise of the Raven,” plus a...
Key Takeaways Ninja games capture the essence of stealth and challenge, evoking retro & modern gameplay styles. Popular titles like Ninja Gaiden influenced modern ninja games...