Summary Sparking Zero brings back beloved features & introduces new ones for both old and new players. What-If storylines offer fresh, non-canon experiences fans haven’t seen...
Like most popular adventure franchises, Indiana Jones hasn’t been afraid to dip a toe into outlandish waters every now and then. After all, the very first...
Summary Episode Heresy in Destiny 2 must launch without bugs to retain player engagement before Frontiers. Revenant issues and Dawning bugs signal a need for polished...
Summary Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 launches on Feb 4, 2025, ahead of other major titles in February, ensuring time to shine. The game features a larger...
Summary Tengen’s barrier concentrates cursed energy inside Japan. Tengen’s immortality keeps the barrier functioning. Star plasma vessels rewrite Tengen’s biological information to prevent overpowering. In Jujutsu...
Summary Borderlands 4 introduces the new planet Kairos, ruled by the oppressive Timekeeper. Kairos offers a seamless open world with potentially diverse landscapes for exploration. Players...
2022’s Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands was a smaller-scale spin-off to the Borderlands franchise that landed with some success. A follow-up to the Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon...
Players can obtain many pieces of clothing by rolling on Infinity Nikki‘s Resonance banners and Surprise-O-Matic machine. Fans will not always receive a new item from...
Perhaps unsurprisingly for a group that self-selects for gothy wallflowers, “horror people” tend to have a bit of a persecution complex. As such, there’s one eternal...
Summary A Pokemon TCG Pocket player has pulled an entire booster pack full of frog-like Pokemon. The player was quick to make the clever substitution of...