Summary Finding the Nomadic Merchant’s Set in Elden Ring requires players to use a tricky procedure. The item is hidden behind rubble and a tent, but...
Summary Dr Disrespect claps back at joke made during The Streamer Awards, criticizing streamers in the industry. QTCinderella’s comment reignites Dr Disrespect’s past controversy regarding alleged...
The list of recipes just keeps growing with every new DLC in Disney Dreamlight Valley. You start learning how to cook early in the game, and...
Quick Links What’s the Purpose of Amenities? Understanding Friendship Levels Amenities are special buildings you can craft and place on your campsite in Animal Crossing: Pocket...
Summary One of Zenyatta’s emotes is glitched in Overwatch 2 Season 14, causing him to strike an A-pose. New bug fixes and content have been added...
Summary A Kyle Chandler photo hints at his Earth One Hal Jordan look for Lanterns series. Lanterns will have an older, experienced Hal Jordan investigating with...
Summary The Cardboard Bastion skin in Overwatch 2 shoots pencils instead of bullets, a unique feature. Cardboard skins for D.Va, Brigitte, and Reaper also stand out...
When SK hynix first unveiled its Beetle X31 portable SSD, the device impressed with its read/write speeds, but the one criticism was its storage capacity. At...
Quick Links Packaging and Box Contents Has Razer Made the Best USB 4 Dock? Cable management has become a major focus of gaming and work setups....
Summary Glinds may be chosen to be Supreme Kais due to their unique ability to create life in their respective universes. Only Glinds born from golden...