Filmax, still a byword for genre from Spain, has swooped on international rights to “Gaua,” the new film from Paul Urkijo, whose “Irati,” a Basque sword...
In a modern era where genres can be as pliable as they are rigid, survival horror is certainly a genre in games that can stretch its...
Apple Watch Series 10 GPS Tethering only Although much cheaper than a Cellular option, the GPS Apple Watch lacks the ability to make calls, stream media,...
How we tested All of the robot vacuums in this review have been tested by me in my own 1,500 square foot apartment. In 2024 so...
Insomniac’s Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise coyly took advantage of its title to include not one but two Spider-Men. That doesn’t mean that super-powered characters are the only...
Microsoft and Quantinuum claims to have made significant strides in the field of quantum computing through their a joint Azure Quantum project. The companies say they...
How we tested Mashable staff subjected all of the laptops on this list to rigorous hands-on testing, which involved inspecting their build quality and using them...
Composer Howard Shore likes to sleep on it. “I try to get in touch with my inner feelings,” he said at the Zurich Film Festival, explaining...
It was revealed recently that Star Wars Outlaws will be launching on Steam on November 21 with that release coinciding with the game’s first season pass...
This year’s Pro model makes no concessions in return for its compact size, with Apple’s best camera system yet, a slightly larger display, and an all-new...