Summary Frieren and Delicious in Dungeon stood out among manga in 2024. New shojo manga debuted, grabbing fans’ attention with unique premises. Series like Otaku Vampire’s...
Summary Xbox is shifting away from permanent console exclusivity, claims a reputable insider. Every current and upcoming Xbox first-party game will supposedly launch on PlayStation platforms...
Summary Pink Rangers like Cassie Chan, Kendrix Morgan, and Shelby Watkins are among the most powerful, with unique abilities and strong combat skills. Each Pink Ranger...
Blox Fruits released the Dragon Rework update a little earlier today, resulting in the number of active players doubling in just a matter of minutes. Update...
Who doesn’t enjoy a bit of the supernatural? From demons to vampires, the human race has been fascinated by stories of unseen and unknowable forces since...
Anime like Death Note do not come around often; if they did, Madhouse’s adaptation of Tsugumi Ohba’s manga might have faded out of the public consciousness...
LEGO Fortnite Odyssey evolves yet again with the Storm Chasers update, bringing the storm from Save the World into the expansive sandbox of LEGO Fortnite Odyssey....
Summary Teasing Master Takagi-san balances humor and romance perfectly, making it a standout in the romance anime genre. Fans awaiting season 4 can explore similar anime...
Summary One player found the perfect planet in No Man’s Sky after many hours of exploration. The discovered planet is temperate with comfortable temperatures and lush...
Summary Path of Exile 2 is a slower game compared to its predecessor, focusing on player skills, combos, and dodging. Path of Exile 2 introduces the...