Monopoly GO constantly introduces new events to keep players engaged and entertained. These events are categorized into tournaments, solo events, and special limited-time events, like Partner...
Summary Super Robot Wars 30 features multiple mechs from different anime in a grid-based strategy RPG. Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner offers fast-paced action...
Summary Master heroes like Nyru, Raelyn, and Anya for synergy with towers and maps for triumph in Kingdom Rush 5. Early heroes like Raelyn are effective...
Summary Horror games emphasize the importance of light for survival amid dark scenes. Games like Slender, Amnesia, and Yomawari use flashlights for atmosphere and gameplay mechanics....
A new modern military game from Days Gone developer Bend Studio has recently been leaked online. This new title from Bend Studio will supposedly build upon...
ONE is one of the most prolific writers the anime and manga world has ever seen. As the mind that gave us One Punch Man and...
Summary Rare pickaxes in Fortnite hold significant value and status, making them desired by players for their exclusivity and unique designs. The Diamond Jack, Rockbreaker, and...
In 1981, Roger Ebert called “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark” an “out-of-body experience, a movie of glorious imagination and breakneck speed that...
Summary Brown-haired anime girls are relatable and beloved for their down-to-earth, kind-hearted personas. Popular anime now feature characters with unique hair colors to stand out, like...
“September 5” is the story of a small group of ABC Television sports journalists covering the 1972 Munich Olympics when Baader-Meinhof terrorists attacked Israeli athletes. The...