There are plenty of anime series out there that appeal to fans of Ghost of Tsushima, as well as the Yakuza franchise, but Attack on Titan...
At Joni Mitchell’s Hollywood Bowl show Saturday night, the revered singer-songwriter offered the rapt audience a first-ever live performance of… Wait, let’s just take a time-out...
The Titan A900 might look like an ordinary desktop PC at first glance, but it’s a powerful workstation designed for deep learning and AI applications. The...
TL;DR: Get the kids away from YouTube and let them explore with this portable LCD microscope, on sale for just $69.97 (reg. $100) through October 27....
Fortnite has enthralled players for over seven yearswith its variety of game modes and near-endless customization options. A player’s presentation can be customized to their liking...
The BFI London Film Festival screening of Pharrell Williams‘ animated biopic “Piece by Piece” was disrupted by animal rights protesters on Sunday. The incident took place...
Best Buy is having a massive sale on Samsung TVs right now, with prices so good that I can’t imagine you’ll find better deals during Black...
TL;DR: Enjoy seamless wireless audio anywhere with the Mymanu Link Bluetooth transmitter and receiver —perfect for flights, workouts, road trips, and more — for just $29.97...
Key Takeaways Valley Peaks’ Nintendo Switch port has been delayed indefinitely due to internal issues faced by Those Awesome Guys. The publisher is still exploring options...
Hundreds of One Direction fans gathered in London’s Hyde Park on Sunday to pay their respects to Liam Payne, the former member of the British-Irish boy...