Amazon MGM Studios and Excel Entertainment are taking their Indian streaming hit “Mirzapur” to theaters, marking a significant move in the Indian entertainment landscape. The film...
Connections: Sports Edition is a new version of the popular New York Times word game that seeks to test the knowledge of sports fans. Like the...
Key Takeaways Pulp fiction works are known for exaggerated narratives, formulaic plots, and fast-paced adventures lacking nuance. Video games are a perfect match for a pulp...
I am Puerto Rican, and my country is no “floating island of garbage.” But the people who think that sure are — even if it’s disguised...
Nextbase makes some of the best dash cams, including the iQ, which we labelled the smartest dash cam ever. However, the UK-based company’s first smart dash...
Oh hey there! If you’re here, it must be time for Wordle. As always, we’re serving up our daily hints and tips to help you figure...
The Pokemon franchise is known for its strong trainers, whether that be the Elite Four, Pokemon Champions, or even evil team leaders hellbent on causing mayhem...
Gov. Gavin Newsom unveiled a proposal on Sunday to increase California’s film incentive to $750 million, responding to calls to boost the struggling industry. At an...
Good morning! Let’s play Connections, the NYT’s clever word game that challenges you to group answers in various categories. It can be tough, so read on...
Connections is the latest New York Times word game that’s captured the public’s attention. The game is all about finding the “common threads between words.” And...