Key Takeaways A Destiny 2 player gave their Titan an Anthem-themed makeover, gaining attention on Reddit. Despite Anthem’s shortcomings, many players reminisce about its potential. The...
Robert Downey Jr. appeared on a recent episode of the “On with Kara Swisher” podcast and sent a stern warning to Hollywood in the age of AI: “I...
Strands is the NYT’s latest word game after the likes of Wordle, Spelling Bee and Connections – and it’s great fun. It can be difficult, though,...
A close election is all about uncertainty. So it’s not surprising that many Americans are relying on polls to offer comfort, or warning. Not all polls...
Key Takeaways Stardew Valley player experiences a glitch where the Perfection cutscene shows a black sky. There is a fix for the visual glitch, involving adjusting...
Horror giant Blumhouse is celebrating spooky season with more than just TV shows and films this year with the launch of its first-ever video game, “Fear...
The Lenovo Legion Go handheld gaming PC is now on sale, with its price falling to $499 (was $699) at Amazon for the first time amidst...
Trends among teen girls are an ever-changing hellscape. Even millennials — people who are not that old, thank you very much — can have trouble navigating the world...
In general, Spiritborn builds soar above other classes and there are few builds that aren’t competitive at the highest tier of Difficulty in Diablo 4. But...
Johnny Depp and Penélope Cruz will star the upcoming action thriller “Day Drinker.” The project reunites the two actors, who have shared the screen in “Blow,” “Pirates of...