The Rise of the Golden Idol continues the story that began with The Case of the Golden Idol, although the sequel was designed to be a...
Horror and martial arts action are two genres that don’t mix often enough. The clash between the two comes in the way they handle power. Most...
Through the Shadows is one of Bellara’s companion quests in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. You will trigger this quest near the end of the game as...
Key Takeaways Junji Ito’s anime adaptations have been divisive, with mixed reviews for all releases. Ito’s horror works are hard to animate due to detailed panels...
Looking over the program for the Tokyo International Film Festival, there were a few titles that I recognized. The idea of catching up with films that...
Key Takeaways Captain Kirk’s long-term relationship with Carol Marcus led to the birth of their son, David. Despite their past, Carol chose to raise David alone...
The 2020s have been prime for Asian-made films and shows that explore the Asian-American experience in unique and captivating ways. Sean Wang’s Myspace-era dramedy feature “Dìdi”...
Key Takeaways A Silent Voice showcases the power of redemption and self-discovery through the protagonist’s journey of seeking forgiveness. The film explores themes of bullying and...
The Palm Springs International Festival is a major stop on the awards season highway, a place where some of the most likely Oscar nominees are honored...
Early last month, Intel unveiled five CPUs as part of the new Core Ultra 200S series, and a recent leak now shows key specifications for seven...