Summary Ghost of Yotei can evolve combat by revisiting stances from Ghost of Tsushima for nostalgia. Atsu can learn stances indirectly through Jin’s legacy or unique...
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio’s latest game, currently titled Project Century, may break a tradition that has held for other protagonists from the company. Of course, since...
Summary JJK lacks parental figures; the present ones are toxic or deeply troubled. Gojo mentors Itadori, Fushigoro, and Okkotsu as a surrogate parent. Jujutsu High faculty...
Summary Gojo Satoru’s death leaves a void in the world of sorcerers, marking the end of a golden era. His strength, influence, and visionary leadership were...
Summary Marvel games offer diverse multiplayer experiences, from co-op adventures to competitive matches for fans. Spider-Man: Friend Or Foe provides a fun concept of heroes and...
Astro Bot is more than just another platformer, with the game also serving as a heartfelt love letter to the PlayStation platform and the wider video...
Summary Xbox Game Pass is losing seven games later today, December 15. The new wave of departures includes Forza Horizon 4, which is unlikely to ever...
Summary Fans anticipate Squid Game Season 2 with the introduction of a mysterious new character. Park Gyu Young’s character, No Eul, raises speculation of being a...
Quick Links The Monkey Business Mystery In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle Where To Find The Monkeys In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle When...
Quick Links All Battle Pass Rewards in Overwatch 2’s Season 14 Overwatch 2 introduces new themes across each Competitive Season as part of a live-service format....