Kingdom Hearts is known for its complex lore and compelling characters, and Organization 13 is no exception. Clad in dark robes, this group is shrouded in...
The modern era of the Sniper Elite series started with Sniper Elite 3, hit its stride with Sniper Elite 4, and kept up that hot streak...
There are ten classes, or Vocations, in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake, and one of those is a secret. Hero is relegated to the main character...
A cop, tortured by memories of child abuse and unable to connect with those who love her, returns to her hometown to try and address her...
Fire can be a vital asset or a dangerous liability in the harsh world of DayZ. While essential for survival, it can easily reveal a player’s...
The Season 1 update brought tons of content to Black Ops 6 and Warzone, including the first event called Hit List, packed with exciting rewards for...
HoloCure is an incredibly fun indie roguelike game inspired by the VTubers of Hololive Production. The game’s fifth major update, version 0.7, introduces a wealth of...
Pokemon GO has never been the same after the introduction of Primal raids. Some of the most powerful beings in the franchise come as raid bosses...
God of War Ragnarok is one of the rare games that delivers both exceptional gameplay and a captivating story. However, there are times when players just...
Key Takeaways Hades’ plot depth & interactions keep players engaged, aiming for multiple endings. Slay the Spire’s mechanics require patience, challenge runs, & mods for extended...