Summary Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple starts as an ordinary kid & hones skills through consistent training. The God of High School follows Jin Mori relying on...
Summary Go! Go! Loser Ranger confirmed second season premiere on April 13, 2025 with a new visual. Season 2 maintains original cast and staff; new additions...
Summary To enhance gameplay in Marvel Rivals, disable automatic web-swinging for Venom and Spider-Man in settings. Enable teammate health bars when playing support and tank characters...
Summary Marvel Rivals fans want a Mystery Heroes mode like Overwatch for added randomness and fun. A random mode could draw more attention to aspects of...
Over the course of Kingdom Hearts’ near 23-year-long history spanning across 13 titles, several worlds based on iconic Disney films have been introduced. From the nutty...
Summary Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth achieved three times as many concurrent Steam players as FF7 Remake during its first weekend. The PC version of the RPG...
For years, the Harry Potter franchise has dominated pop culture, with Hogwarts Legacy acting as the franchise’s most popular video game adaptation. It’s no wonder that...
Summary Sony replied to a fan’s letter requesting a Prince of Persia game rated E. The fan’s response from Sony led to nostalgic amusement online. Despite...
This article contains spoilers for One Piece’s Elbaf Arc. Summary Nika’s new depiction in One Piece with a sword and shield raises questions about his connection...
The Premieres section is often where ticket buyers look for star power at the Sundance Film Festival, and the section included world premieres of new projects...