Summary Marvel Rivals hit a record Steam player count with Season 1’s launch, surpassing 560,000 concurrent players. The new season introduces Fantastic Four heroes, fresh maps...
Summary Ebon Moss-Bachrach teased delivering the Thing’s famous catchphrase in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot. Fans eagerly anticipate the nostalgia of hearing the iconic line “It’s...
Summary The Season 1 update for Marvel Rivals seems to have eliminated the ability to use custom-made mods. NetEase has stressed that using mods is against...
Video game releases were hot and heavy in 2025, and while we still don’t know much about the games coming out in 2026, we can expect...
Summary The House of the Dead 2: Remake will launch on all major platforms in Spring 2025. Players can expect improved visuals, new environments, and various...
Summary Most players find themselves hoarding loot, stripping corpses, and pawning off valuables. Multiple playthroughs are essential due to the vast content and player limitations by...
Summary Elden Ring Nightreign’s network test will limit players to only three hours of playtime a day. The network test will run from February 14 until...
Leaving behind the more metaphorical language of his earlier films in favor of an incendiary direct address, Mohammad Rasoulof’s “The Seed of the Sacred Fig” is...
Summary Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players call for the return of Gunfight. The popular 2v2 mode hasn’t been seen for over six weeks, with...
Death and desire collide with seductive, shivering power in Robert Eggers’ “Nosferatu,” a grandly Gothic reinterpretation of F.W. Murnau’s silent-film classic that channels the dark, psychosexual...