Summary New Masters of the Universe movie with Nicholas Galitzine as He-Man may shift away from campy tone. Galitzine mentions different iterations of the franchise and...
Summary Shikamaru is the most relatable Naruto character, a smart and grounded hero. Krillin remained true to himself in Dragon Ball, a hero despite his limitations....
Summary Rockstar Games added purchasable police cars to GTA Online after over 10 years, becoming highly sought-after and expensive vehicles. The police cars, based on muscle...
This article contains slight spoilers for One Piece’s Egghead Arc. Summary Luffy’s single punches in One Piece are more impactful than full-on fights. Luffy’s punch against...
Summary Strategy games offer a wide range of settings and styles to suit any player’s aesthetic preferences. Some strategy games focus on punishing realism, simulating factors...
Summary Overwatch 2’s recent hotfix nerfs Hazard’s Spike Guard, Sojourn’s Railgun, and Widowmaker’s projectile size in 5v5 only. New Rapid Balance Update tech results in swift...
As the Pokemon series sees its massive selection of creatures grown with each generation, it’s only natural that revisiting existing species with new takes on established...
PC gamers who’ve been waiting for an opportunity to purchase a new, advanced gaming keyboard should take a close look at this deal. The Corsair K70...
Quick Links How To Generate & Direct Light Beams on Citadelle Des Morts Black Ops 6 Zombies’ Citadelle Des Morts takes players on a mystical main...
CES 2025 is here! The Consumer Electronics Show is the world’s biggest annual tech conference. Big Tech companies and small startups alike make the trek to...