Summary Surprise renewal of True Beauty anime for Season 2 announced by Studio N and Cocktail Media. Crunchyroll to stream new season; release date undisclosed, suggesting...
With the recent arrival of a third faction in the galactic war, Helldivers 2 players have been hard at work dealing with the newest threat to...
Friendship is Bubbling is a world quest in Infinity Nikki that is part of the game’s Lucky Journey event. To complete this quest, players must inspire...
It’s a bit disconcerting to see the “new kid” of Cook County General Hospital on the massive hit “ER” become the grizzled veteran of a similar...
Summary Ghost Recon Breakpoint offers a wide array of high-performance assault rifles with unique strengths and limitations. Weapons like the 4-AC, Silver Stake Tactical, and ARX200...
Summary Moderately Armored boosts Warlock’s Armor Class with medium armor and shields, crucial for survival in intense battles. Durable increases Constitution, allowing Warlocks to fully regain...
Summary Romance is an important element in modern RPGs, and some games stand out for having great romance options and mechanics. Thousand Arms, Record of Agarest...
Summary Fighting games have diverse rosters & archetypes like Shotos, Charge, Grapplers. Characters mix elements from archetypes making them unique & versatile. Design-based archetypes like Karate...
Summary An Elden Ring fan creates an impressive Beyonce character, showcasing the game’s customization options. The creator provided the slider settings for the Beyonce recreation, and...
Summary Apex Legends offers fast-paced PvP loot gameplay with tiers from white to red, perfect for loot goblins on the go. Diablo 4 features endless loot...