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Gunfire Reborn: Nona Character & Build Guide



nona and iron wing in gunfire reborn

Nona is a character that’s unlocked through the Artisans and Magicians DLC for Gunfire Reborn. Fans of giant fighting robots will love this character since she’s built around working in tandem with Iron Wing, her personal AI-controlled robot.



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Titanfall fans in particular will get a kick out of using Nona since her unique skill has her mech crash land onto enemies in a similar fashion to a Titan. Iron Wing will be around to support Nona wherever it can. As a result, it can be difficult to decide what weapons to bring and what players should be looking out for when it comes to building Nona for a successful Gunfire Reborn run.

Character Overview

Pistol-Based Gunslinger? Or Mecha Gremlin?

Nona's profile in Gunfire Reborn


Ability Name

Ability Type

Cooldown/Default Capacity


Mecha Drop




Strike Mode charges into the target location, dealing 150% normal damage to enemies and taunts them for 3s within a 10m radius.





Fire Mode deploys in defensive position at the target location.

Hardwood Missiles


3 charges


Launch a missile. Upon impact, it will explode and deal 500 DMG to all enemies within a 4m radius. Hitting on Iron Wing regenerates 25% of its HP.

Iron Wing

Unlike the other characters in Gunfire Reborn, Nona has a large mech following her around named Iron Wing. Iron Wing can revive Nona if she gets downed, and if Iron Wing is downed, Nona can revive it if she reaches it within 12 seconds. Otherwise, if Iron Wing fully dies, Nona will revive her companion after 20 seconds.


Iron Wing has two modes – Fire Mode and Strike Mode. Iron Wing will start in Strike Mode where it will follow Nona around and melee enemies when it gets the chance. When its ability, Mecha Drop, is activated, it’ll come crashing down on its targets and taunt the survivors. At early levels, this is a powerful ability that can make clearing stages a breeze for Nona. But it should be used with careful consideration later when enemies have enough firepower to down Iron Wing if the player isn’t careful.

Swapping Iron Wing into Fire Mode will transform it into a turret, allowing Iron Wing to shoot its weapons at distant targets. Its ability will then transform into Reposition instead of Mecha Drop. Activating its ability during this time will cause it to teleport to the targeted area, and once it lands, Iron Wing will follow up with a barrage of Hardwood Missiles. This form is perfect if Nona needs Iron Wing in more of a support role where it can shoot down low-health mobs and deal chunks of damage to larger enemies. For locations where melee enemies are spawning far away or have to move through choke points, it’s a good idea to transform Iron Wing into its turret form to get in as much damage as possible before swapping it back to Strike Mode.


Hardwood Missiles

These missiles are Nona’s secondary skill and can be used to heal Iron Wing or deal damage. Its damage is pretty strong early on, but it requires upgrades to scale well with later levels. The benefit of these is the volume and frequency Nona is capable of launching these missiles at. With the right setups, Nona can become a rocket machine capable of tearing through a majority of enemy waves with just her Missiles.


Weapon Recommendations

Pistols And Rifles Are King

Since Nona’s Precision tree gives her buffs for using pistols, players will want to find a decent pistol as soon as possible during their runs. Once a good pistol has been found, their second weapon slot is a little more flexible.


Builds that want to focus on weapon damage may want a second pistol that covers a different niche from their first pistol. Alternatively, builds that want to focus on Hardwood Missiles or Iron Wing may want a long-range weapon like a sniper rifle.

Regardless, players looking for a good pistol or just a good weapon that fits into the build will enjoy these standout options:



Weapon Type


Arc Light


All of the kunai-style pistols are amazing with Nona, but the Arc Light in particular is great because it can help cover both crowds of enemies and single targets without relying on the geometry of the map in the way Prism would. The pistol typing with a low magazine size also allows it to synergize with Nona’s precision passives, specifically, Magazine Modification.


Icy Spear


Guaranteed crits when the spears are recalled; synergizes extremely well with Nona’s Precision passives.




Pistol-reliant builds of Nona can struggle against durable crowds, which is exactly where Sunder excels.

Star Ring


The Star Ring is a risky weapon to build with since it has a short range compared to every other weapon. As a result, it should be paired with another weapon that has a longer range for bosses where the close range becomes a death sentence. However, this weapon’s damage output and large area-of-effect make it well worth using if players are confident in their movement and Iron Wing management to get out of bad situations.

Lightning Ksana


Sniper Rifle

The Lightning Ksana gives Iron Wing a shield when the player shoots it. Critical hits and the shield being destroyed grants charges that increase the damage of the weapon. This weapon is perfect for builds that want to lean on Iron Wing because it keeps Nona out of harm’s way, deals a good chunk of damage with each shot, and keeps Iron Wing around longer.



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Melt Enemies With Pistols, Crush Them With Iron Wing, Or Drown Them In Rockets

The biggest issue Nona will face is scaling well into the late game. While Iron Wing and Hardwood Missiles can carry through the early game, late-game enemies can tank multiple missiles to the face without a problem and rip through Iron Wing’s health with ease if the player isn’t careful with what skills they take.


For ascensions, this means Nona players should look for two kinds of upgrades in the early game: ways to increase her and Iron Wing’s survivability and upgrades that help her damage scale over time. For every build, Specialized Shield and Wood Armor are both appreciated ascension picks early on for this reason. From there, based on what ascensions and scrolls are given to the player, they can go down one of three build routes (with some mixing and matching between each).

Pistol-Focused Build

Ascensions To Prioritize

  • Magazine Mod
  • Eagle Eye
  • Energy Overload

Best Scrolls For Weapon Damage


  • Hawkeye Sight
  • Penetration Bullet
  • Merciless Strike
  • Bullet Light
  • Large Ammo

Pistol builds will need ways to increase CritX, Weapon damage, and later when they get Lucky Break, Lucky Shot %. As long as the player can land headshots, Magazine Mod is a strong power spike that works well with any of the Kunai-style pistols or Icy Spear. Eagle Eye is good for any player whether they’re good at aiming or not. Experienced FPS players using Eagle Eye will enjoy a near-constant +50% weapon damage, while players struggling to land critical shots will find their damage more consistent.

If it’s early in the run and the player isn’t sure which skill to take, it’s hard to go wrong with Energy Overload. This ascension skill can work in almost any build, but it’s best used as a bridge between a weapon and Iron Wing-focused build, or a Missile and Iron Wing-focused build.


Iron Wing Build

Ascensions To Prioritize

  • Mastery
  • Wood Armor
  • Charging Crush
  • Specialized Shield for comfort

Best Scrolls For Iron Wing

  • Abnormal Speed
  • Piercing Bullet
  • Surprise Bonus

While Wood Armor is always useful to pick up early for any build, being offered the Mastery Ascension is a tell-tale sign to lean into an Iron Wing-focused build. Mastery simply increases how much damage Iron Wing can deal on its own. Charging Crush increases that damage in Strike Mode, and finding both Wood Armor and Specialized Shield will give Iron Wing the survivability to deal that damage.


Nimble Fingers, Shoulder Cannon Upgrade, and Missile Storm can all be taken to further upgrade Iron Wing’s total damage. Be aware that Nimble Fingers requires a weapon that can actually reload to gain its benefit. Shoulder Cannon Upgrade and Missile Storm will increase Iron Wing’s damage while it’s in Fire Mode, so make sure to find times when it’s appropriate to switch between the two modes if those Ascensions are taken.

Occult Scrolls are fairly straightforward
for the other builds, but for Iron Wing builds, players will benefit from anything that increases their movement speed or Skill damage. Iron Wing benefits from both of these stats and with
Battle Pace
, Nona will also get an increase in damage for building movement speed.


Hardwood Missiles Build

Ascensions To Prioritize

  • Heavy Modification
  • Heat Core
  • Missile Storm
  • Force Recovery

Best Scrolls For Hardwood Missiles


  • Double Exhilaration
  • Enduring Caster
  • Surprise Bonus
  • Extra Surprise
  • Energy Sandals
  • Untold Effort

Hardwood Missile builds heavily rely on Heat Core and Heavy Modification to get them through the late game. Heat Core increases the damage and explosive radius of Hardwood Missiles, while Heavy Modification allows the player to rapid-fire a stream of missiles at the nearest enemy horde.

Missile Storm will further increase the damage of both Nona’s and Iron Wing’s Missiles, while Force Recovery provides more missiles to fire and a means to consistently recover missiles without any risk to Nona. For this build, it’s not a bad idea to also build some skills to increase Iron Wing’s damage or Nona’s weapon damage, just to save some rockets for other enemies.


Out of all three builds, Hardwood Missile builds will also benefit the most from collecting Occult Scrolls. There are a good number of scrolls that can either increase the damage of Hardwood Missiles or increase the number of missiles the player gets. Any of these scrolls, and even some of the weapon-related scrolls can all benefit Missile builds.

General Playstyle Tips

Some Tips To Keep In Mind For Iron Wing’s Sake

Nona fighting alongside Iron Wing in Gunfire Reborn

  • Don’t hesitate to unload Hardwood Missiles into a group of enemies fighting Iron Wing. Clearing enemies quickly can give more missiles and any missiles that hit Iron Wing will heal it.
  • Activating Iron Wing’s ability can also be used to save it. Find a location that’s far away from the enemy that’s hurting Iron Wing, swap the mech to turret mode then order them to teleport to that location. They’re now out of harm’s way and will be providing the player with fire support.
  • Stay out of fights early on. While Iron Wing is more than capable of clearing entire rooms by itself, Nona starts with slightly worse stats than the majority of the cast. Look for more survivability ascensions and items, and let Iron Wing handle the early levels.
  • Smart positioning is heavily rewarded with Nona. Look for choke points, high ground, or any place where a turret from Iron Wing can be devastating. Creating more space and forcing enemies to charge at Nona and Iron Wing is ideal.
  • Don’t be afraid to let Iron Wing die. Iron Wing will come back in 20 seconds. If there were enough strong enemies to down Iron Wing, then there’s a good chance Nona would also not survive a close-range encounter with them.
  • Alternatively, if Nona is about to go down, aim to go down near Iron Wing since it can revive the player without using a self-resurrection.

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