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Elden Ring: Best Obtainable Early Incantations



elden ring best obtainable early incantations

The critically acclaimed Elden Ring has had a resurgence in interest with the release of the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. The Lands Between are known for throwing the players into many surprises and powerful adversaries. Default-equipped weapons are often paired with many other offensive tools, like the widely known overpowered Spells. Incantations tend to be overlooked as an average replacement sidearm.



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Players who are getting back into Elden Ring after going through the game as a mage or a spellsword user might be in for a few surprises to start again as Tarnished, who borrows the power of the Dragons, Gods, and other higher beings through Incantations.

Updated February 6, 2025, by Hamza Haq: There are only two types of spells in Elden Ring: Sorceries and Incantations. Of the two, incantations offer a lot more variety and build options, making them the first choice for anyone planning to create a spellcaster class. Even better, incantations pair extremely well with the melee playstyle, thanks to a huge roster of STR/FAI weapons that allow bonk builds to branch into Faith at later levels. Two new incantations, available right from the start of Elden Ring, have been added to the list to give players more options when starting out their Faith build.


Black Flame Blade

Early Obtainable Resistance Piercing Incantation

Black Flame Blade in Elden Ring
  • Enchants right-hand armament with black flame
  • Damage Type: Black Flame
  • black flame blade 2Black Flame Blade

The incantation coats the weapon with a black flame that scales high with faith and has a massive advantage as a type of damage that goes through any resistance an enemy might have. Although it has a short duration, it can be castable quickly and has a meager FP cost.



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As opposed to other damage types, the black flame damage has a unique trait that gradually reduces its target hp. Befitting its color as the hottest flame, it deals a whopping 2% of target max HP plus 20 and another 20 for every 1000 HP the enemy has.



Flame of the Fell God

Slow Ball of Fiery Death And Destruction

flame of the fell god in elden ring
  • Summons raging fireball that explodes and sets the area ablaze
  • Damage Type: Fire

Flame of the Fell God is obtainable by defeating elden ring enemy icon 3 432Adan, Thief of Fire
in the elden ring missing icon 3 194Malefactor’s Evergaol
in Liurnia of the Lakes southwest of the Scenic Isle Site of Grace. Adan’s location is a little bit out of the way, and it’s easy to miss this boss fight and lose out on a powerful spell.

When cast, flame of the fell god 2Flame of the Fell God
creates a large ball of fire that travels toward the target in a slow arc before exploding for AoE damage and setting the surrounding landscape on fire. The main advantage of this incantation is its ability to deal massive damage in one short burst as well as damage over time (DoT) by creating hazardous terrain. Considering the high FP cost, it’s best used against bosses or hordes of enemies. The only downside to Flame of the Fell God is its extremely high Faith requirement (41), making it more of a mid-game spell even though it’s available very early in a playthrough.


Bloodflame Blade

Additional Fire Damage With Hemorrhage Properties

Bloodflame Blade in Elden Ring
  • Enchants right-hand armament with Bloodflame
  • Damage Type: Fire
  • Adds Bleed build-up

This incantation coats the weapon with fire damage that also inflicts hemorrhage. With the right weapon, such as a katana, which has a built-in hemorrhage modifier and has a very short cooldown between swings, Bloodflame Blade earns its right to be one of the most powerful incantations, especially as it can be obtainable very early in the game.


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Although the hemorrhage build-up isn’t instant compared to the default hemorrhage properties of a weapon, the Bloodflame Blade fills up the hemorrhage meter rather quickly. Depending on the type of weapon and weapon skill, Bloodflame Blade build-up could raise the hemorrhage gauge even faster, as the usual instant hemorrhage build-up from weapons is usually wasted when it exceeds the hemorrhage gauge.


Bestial Sling

Low Cost, Reliable Ranged Damage

bestial sling in elden ring
  • Swiftly flings numerous sharp rock shards
  • Damage Type: Bestial

Bestial Sling is a reward from elden ring npc icon 162Gurranq, Beast Clergyman
in the Bestial Sanctum for giving him the second deathroot 4Deathroot
. Players can reach the Bestial Sanctum through the waygate just north of the Third Church of Marika Site of Grace in eastern Limgrave. Two Deathroots can be found in Limgrave (Black Knight Assasin, Tibia Mariner) and two more in Liurnia of the Lakes (Tibia Mariner, Black Knife Catacombs) to trade with Gurranq.

Bestial Sling is a low-cost, easy ranged option that can deal decent damage well into the mid-game with the right build. Use it with the clawmark seal 2Clawmark Seal
(reward from Gurranq for the first Deathroot) for a 10% boost in damage. The Bestial Sling only has a 10 Faith requirement to equip, making it a viable ranged option for players not investing into Faith at all.


Frozen Lightning Spear

Early HP Percentage Damage

Frozen Lightning Spear in Elden Ring
  • Stabs with ice lightning spear from above
  • Damage Type: Lightning
  • Frozen build-up

frozen lightning spear 2Frozen Lightning Spear
is basically a hoarfrost stomp that can deal lightning damage. Although the incantation itself is guarded by a boss and has quite a high requirement, the boss resides near Liurnia and is accessible without going through any of the Shardbearers, while the high faith requirement is easily neglected by the faith knot crystal tear 4Faith-knot Crystal Tear
and faith accessory that could be obtainable early.


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Frost build-up and lightning damage synergetically become the bane of most dragons. The multiple lightning hits of Frozen Lightning Spear can fill the Frost gauge, which inflicts a large amount of HP percentage damage, and ramps up the damage taken through the sky. Furthermore, as the dragons are weak to the lightning type of damage itself, it only took a few casts of Frozen Lightning Spear to take a chunk of most of their HP.


Swarm of Flies

Multiple Mini-hit Hemorrhage Build Up

Swarm of Flies in Elden Ring
  • Releases a swarm of bloodflies before the caster
  • Damage Type: Bleed

swarm of flies 2Swarm of Flies
keep single enemies in a multiple mini-hit hemorrhage build up. While it may seem underwhelming at a first try, the continuous flurry of this spell is a powerful addition as it could be synergized with other action. The incantation may draw aggro from other present allies towards the caster. Most bosses also become aggressive and charge towards the caster as long as the incantation lingers still.

Swarm of Flies has a quick cast and little FP costs to compensate for the slow build-up of the hemorrhage status. The swarm will keep persistently following the target until the end of its duration, however slow it takes for them, and can’t be dispelled by any means, except for hitting terrain.



Rotten Breath

Inflict Scarlet Rot Early In The Game

Rotten Breath in Elden Ring
  • Channels dragon to spew scarlet rot breath
  • Damage Type: Scarlet Rot

rotten breath 2Rotten Breath
is one of the fastest ways to inflict scarlet rot onto enemies from a distance that can cover an area. The lingering damage is also unarguably powerful against large enemies, to the extent that the most nimble ones can’t escape. The scarlet rot builds-up of Rotten Breath ticks at 65 each and deals 0.33% of max HP at every second. Rotten Breath deals direct physical damage, occasionally able to ricochet through many objects, and can be used on horseback.

The long initial two second wind-up should be looked out for in a boss fight, as every moment is pivotal for the Rotten Breath to be successfully cast. The full cast of five seconds could be timed during or after a stun from either riposte or stance damage. A few tries at the beginning to cast the incantation during a boss fight might be difficult, but the outcome will be fruitful.


Agheel’s Flame

One Of The Best Flame Breath Incants

Agheel's Flame in Elden Ring
  • Spews flame breath of Agheel from above
  • Damage Type: Fire

Many enemies in the Lands Between are susceptible to fire, as the incantation is obtainable through defeating the very first dragon encountered, agheels flame 2Agheel’s Flame
is easily one of the best incantations that players can obtain early on. Agheel’s Flame has the same wind-up as Rotten Breath and needs the same exercise to be utilized fully during a boss fight.


Every Nation and Land Outside Elden Ring’s Lands Between

Elden Ring players journey through The Lands Between on their quest to become Elden Lord, but there are other nations beyond its borders.


Agheel’s Flame has a slightly narrower spread with a longer range, unlike Rotten Breath, and it can be cast while jumping, which enables the caster to get an easier approach during the cast time, such as dodging a ground shockwave from certain bosses. The longer range makes the incantation safer and a slightly better setup than the aforementioned dragon breath.


Aspect of the Crucible: Horns

Early Faith Incantation For Stuns

Aspect of the Crucible_ Horns in Elden Ring
  • Creates shoulder horn to gore foes from a low stance
  • Damage Type: Holy

This powerful and early, yet high-faith requirement Incantation can close your distance from an enemy in a flash with its high stun inducing charged attack, while the non-charged one can finish an enemy even faster than a melee weapon swing.

For its range and speed, Aspect of the Crucible: Horns has a considerably high stagger damage that makes even the most stoic enemies and bosses flinch. A well-timed cast of the incantation during a time frame when dangerous enemy bosses charge through the caster makes a difference by a large margin.


Flame, Grant Me Strength

Increases Physical And Fire Attack Power By +20%

What is Buff Stacking in Elden Ring
  • Raises physical and fire-affinity attack power
  • Damage Type: None

flame grant me strength 2Flame, Grant me Strength
is the best incantation in the entire game when it comes to sheer utility and universal effectiveness. When cast, it buffs the physical attack power and fire attack power of a character by a flat 20% and boosts the stamina recovery rate. This buff is applied to the character itself and not on the weapon like the Black Flame Blade. What makes this an incredible incantation is that it is a direct boost to the overall damage of nearly all builds, with literally no downsides.

Any character who deals physical damage, fire damage, or both will benefit from Flame, Grant Me Strength. It is often paired with golden vow 2Golden Vow
because the two buffs stack on top of each other, making them the perfect self-buff combo before particularly hard boss fights. Flame, Grant Me Strength can be found east of Fort Gael, at the western edge of Caelid.


Catch Flame

Throws A Small Range Fireball With Excellent Damage

Elden Ring Spell Efficacy Partially Based on Weather Conditions
  • Momentarily sparks flame from hand
  • Damage Type: Fire

For most players aiming for a Faith build, catch flame 2Catch Flame
is going to be one of the first incantations they get their hands on, if not the very first. It can be purchased for a measly 600 Runes from Brother Corhyn at the Roundtable Hold, which is unlocked as soon as the Roundtable Hold area becomes accessible for the first time. Even better, players who choose the Prophet starting class will obtain Catch Flame as part of their starting kit, alongside the Finger Seal.

Despite its extremely early acquisition, Catch Flame is not a spell to be forgotten as players progress through the game. With the proper build and support from other spells, it can easily serve super late into the endgame. It has a very low FP cost (10), a very low Faith requirement (8), a fast cast time, the ability to be chain cast, and can even be cast mid-jump or mid-roll. In the early game, Catch Flame is the most cost-effective way of dealing direct fire damage through an incantation. Just remember to invest in Mind to keep up with the cost of spamming it.



The Flame of Frenzy

The Best Early Game Spell

the flame of frenzy in elden ring
  • Emits burst of yellow flame of frenzy from eyes
  • Damage Type: Fire

the flame of frenzy 2The Flame of Frenzy
incantation can be found on a corpse just inside the Callu Baptismal Church in the Weeping Peninsula, southeast of Limgrave. If players make a beeline to this location after unlocking Torrent, they can obtain this incantation without having to fight any bosses along the way, making it one of the easiest spells to get in a playthrough.

In spite of its easily obtainable nature, The Flame of Frenzy is perhaps one of the best spells in all of Elden Ring because it ticks all the boxes. It’s has a very low FP cost, has low stat requirement (16 Faith), is chargeable, breaks poise, does AoE damage, and most importantly, is a DPS machine that can melt bosses and enemies alike.

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February 25, 2022

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