Summary Anna Camp joins Scream 7 cast, role unknown. Camp known for comedy, might offer relief in slasher. Uncertain if Savoy Brown will return, potential bond...
Quick Links The Best Deck for Doom 2099 Marvel Snap’s Marvel Rival season introduces Doom 2099, an alternate version of Doctor Doom with a highly impactful...
Summary Helldivers 2 introduces a Killzone crossover featuring a complete Killzone-themed armor set. The collaboration includes premium content and a community challenge, available for just five...
Summary Hokages are the most powerful ninjas in Naruto, with abilities that surpass their peers. Each Hokage brings unique skills and strengths to the role, making...
Apple TV+ is a relatively new streaming service, having only launched in November 2019. However, the platform has quickly been gaining the traction necessary to stand...
Summary Godzilla has formed strong bonds with many kaiju allies despite his long list of enemies. Godzilla’s friendships with creatures like Gorosaurus and King Caesar have...
It is a well-known fact among many that tabletop games are pretty expensive, especially among Warhammer 40K fans. Models of the famed wargame are almost exorbitantly...
Summary Tank characters are crucial for covering weaker party members and drawing enemy aggro in Western RPGs. Tank builds are essential for efficient combat strategies, especially...
Call of Duty has been the most beloved FPS franchise since the early 2000s, but after making the jump to iOS and Android in 2019, it...
Summary Hideki Kamiya regrets insulting a fan on Twitter following the announcement of the Okami sequel. Kamiya formed Clovers, a successor studio to Clover Studio. Fans...