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DbD Killer Perks That Will Always Be Useful



7 dead by daylight kiiler perks that will always remain viable

Key Takeaways

  • Discordance provides valuable survivor location info for any killer, especially those with high mobility.
  • Lethal Pursuer offers incredible value for quick-starting killers, enhancing aura-reading meta perks in Dead by Daylight.
  • Nowhere to Hide proves to be a powerful, simple perk for killer builds, granting free wall hacks near generators without being overpowered.

Dead By Daylight features 124 killer perks that the 37 killers in the game can utilize. These range from simple effects such as damaging generators to absurd ones where killers can transfer their terror radius to a survivor. As with any game, certain perks are just better, since their core function and consistency trumps the rest of the pack.



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These perks have managed to persist in the meta for a significant period of time, and are unlikely to ever fall from grace. They are either extremely strong in their general effects or provide invaluable bonuses for particular types of killers.

1 Discordance

Sniff Out Groups Of Survivors

Discordance DBD



11 December 2018

Unique to

The Legion

Type of perk




Generators in the radius of 64/96/128 meters are marked with a yellow aura if two or more survivors are working on it. When it is marked for the first time, a loud noise notification is triggered. When the generator is no longer in the radius or is being worked on by only one survivor, the yellow aura will last for four more seconds.

Discordance is an excellent information perk for killers. Ever since its release, it has maintained a solid stance in the meta. While it is most efficient when paired with mobile killers such as Hillbilly, Nurse, Legion, and Oni, it is a solid perk for any killer, since it provides the whereabouts of the survivors.


Discordance allows killers to disrupt generator rushes and figure out where all the survivors on the map could potentially be. It is hard to go wrong with using Discordance in every match since it always provides value and has done so for the past five years. It is also unlikely to be heavily nerfed as it is not an overpowered or frustrating perk for survivors to go against.

2 Lethal Pursuer

Start Chases Immediately

Lethal Pursuer DBD


15 June 2021

Unique to

The Nemesis


Type of perk



The auras of all survivors are revealed for 7/8/9 seconds at the start of the match. The duration of survivor auras being revealed by any means is extended by two seconds.


Lethal Pursuer is the perfect perk for killers who want to start the trial off with a bang. It helps players see the aura of survivors at the start of the match, which is super useful for killers who can close the gap quickly. Lethal Pursuer also extends the aura-reading duration of other perks such as Barbecue and Chilli, which further adds to its prevalence in the meta.


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Lethal Pursuer will always provide great value unless the survivor has the perk Distortion. It has barely been changed over the years, and it is unlikely to fall out of relevancy anytime in the near future.


3 Nowhere To Hide

Consistent And Easy To Use

Nowhere to Hide DBD


22 November 2022


Unique to

The Knight

Type of perk




The auras of survivors in a radius of 24 meters are revealed for 3/4/5 seconds when kicking a generator.

Nowhere to Hide is the latest perk on this list, and it has remained supremely powerful ever since its release. Kicking generators is an action every killer is bound to do in a game of Dead By Daylight. Therefore, having the ability to see survivors hiding nearby generators is quite strong.


Players can also get wall hacks for free during chases near generators. Nowhere to Hide is a simple and effective perk to use that can be run on virtually any killer in the game. It is also not overpowered in the slightest, which makes it a safe choice for a killer perk that won’t fall out of the meta.

4 Deadlock

Buys Invaluable Time

Deadlock DBD



7 September 2021

Unique to

The Cenobite

Type of perk


Generator stalling


Whenever a generator is repaired, the generator with the most progression on the map is blocked for 15/20/25 seconds. This generator is revealed with a white aura.

Deadlock, much like Lethal Pursuer and Nowhere to Hide, is a very consistent perk that has few downsides. While it might block the generator that players would have wanted to kick, it still buys them a lot of time to snowball their lead or get back into the game.



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The core function of Deadlock works perfectly for any killer, as time is of the essence in this role. Deadlock has always been part of the generator stalling meta, and will remain in a comfortable spot as one of the best and most viable killer perks in the game.


5 Corrupt Intervention

Ensure A Strong Start To The Match

Corrupt Intervention DBD


19 March 2019


Unique to

The Plague

Type of perk

Generator stalling



The three generators located farthest away from the killer are blocked at the start of the match for 80/100/120 seconds. This effect ends early if a survivor is downed.

Corrupt Intervention is the best generator stalling perk of all time. Since its release, it has never fallen out of the meta and continues to be an incredibly powerful perk. Blocking three generators at the start of the trial buys immense amounts of time for killers, and allows them to exert passive map pressure. It also acts as a tracking perk since killers can patrol specific generators to catch survivors.

While it did get nerfed, where the perk deactivates when a survivor is downed, Corrupt Intervention remains a viable option for all killers. As mentioned previously, time is a killer’s biggest friend, and getting a lot of it early on should help every killer start the trial on a strong foot.


6 Bamboozle

A Must-Have for M1 Killers

Bamboozle DBD



12 June 2018

Unique to

The Clown

Type of perk




Vaulting a window blocks it for 8/12/16 seconds. Survivors cannot vault over these windows. Additionally, the killer’s vaulting speed is increased by 5/10/15%. Only one window can be blocked at a time. Vaulting over pallets does not activate Bamboozle.

Bamboozle is, objectively, the weakest perk on this list. However, that does not mean it is bad by any means. This is because it is incredibly powerful and a must-have for certain killers, while borderline useless to others. Bamboozle is a blessing for killers that lack mobility and rely on basic attacks (M1), to end loops. These killers include Leatherface, Wraith, Clown, Onryo, and Freddy.


Bamboozle has remained as a top-tier perk for a long time. The additional vaulting speed bonus is also greatly underappreciated. While good survivors can counter a killer using Bamboozle and trying to vault every window, smart usage of this perk can lead to chases ending quickly. Bamboozle is a viable option that is unlikely to be nerfed since it serves a specific purpose without being frustrating to play against.

7 Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance

The Best Scourge Hook Perk In The Game

Pain Resonance DBD


30 November 2021

Unique to

The Artist


Type of perk

Generator regression


Four Scourge Hooks are spawned on the map and revealed with a white aura. This perk starts with four tokens. Whenever a survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, this perk applies the following:

  • The generator with the highest progress explodes and regresses by 10/15/20% of its total progression.
  • Afterward, normal generator regression is applied.
  • Survivors repairing the affected generator will scream but will not reveal their location.

Despite a couple of nerfs, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance remains the go-to choice for practically every killer looking to have a generator regression perk. While it is not as oppressive as it used to be, Pain Resonance is still a big problem for survivors to go against.


Killers can apply huge regression penalties to generators up to four times in a match. This can buy a lot of time to exert pressure on other areas of the map while simultaneously having a survivor hooked. The only downside to this perk is the randomness regarding the spawn point of Scourge Hooks. Pain Resonance currently finds itself in a well-balanced spot and is unlikely to change for a while, making it an exceptionally viable perk that every killer in Dead By Daylight can use.

dead by daylight

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