“Arrakis is Dune, and Dune is sand,” said Dune: Awakening executive producer Scott Junior, describing the desert planet that serves as the setting for the upcoming...
My critical efforts to never judge a film before seeing it are most challenged by remakes of movies I adore. Ang Lee’s “The Wedding Banquet” is...
Coming soon, You returns for its fifth and final season. Not only will Penn Badgley be back as stalker/serial killer/hopeless romantic Joe Goldberg, but also Joe...
Summary Overclock is a dangerous emitter-type quirk that accelerates users’ temporal awareness and speed dramatically. The quirk has weaknesses like oxygen deprivation and vulnerability to injuries,...
Chinese AI DeepSeek is incredibly popular right now, but you should be careful about handing it any of your private data. Researchers over at Wiz reported...
Summary Only a select few top-tier Haki users in One Piece can split the skies, like Big Mom, Kaido, Luffy, Whitebeard, Roger, Shanks, and Joy Boy....
Looking for something great to watch at home? Streaming subscribers are spoiled for choice between Hulu, Netflix, Max, Disney+, Apple TV+, Prime Video, Shudder, Paramount+, Peacock,...
Summary Spider-Man 4 will introduce a new love interest, potentially reducing MJ’s role, as hinted by industry insiders. Zendaya’s availability may limit her presence in the...
SAVE $100: As of Jan. 30, the Jabra Elite 10 earbuds are on sale for $149.99 at Best Buy. That’s $100 off their list price of...
Wireless gaming mice have come a long way and the NZXT Lift Elite is a prime example of that. It boasts the latest and greatest technology...