Beverley Mitchell, David Gallagher and Mackenzie Rosman, best known for their roles of Lucy, Simon and Ruthie, respectively, on “7th Heaven,” are speaking out about their...
“Spider-Noir” has cast Karen Rodriguez in a series regular role, Variety has learned exclusively. The series, which is the first live-action project to feature the character...
Argentine Francisco Lezama “The Two Landscapes,” Uruguayan Daniel Handler’s “A Loose End” and “Blue Marks,” from German director Sara Miro Fischer triumphed at the San Sebastián...
Ryan Murphy‘s legal drama “All’s Fair” has added Matthew Noszka as a series regular. He joins an all-star ensemble cast that includes Kim Kardashian, Naomi Watts,...
Following a gossip-ridden press tour this summer, “It Ends With Us” is now available to watch from home. The Justin Baldoni-directed romantic drama, starring Blake Lively,...
Francis Ford Coppola‘s sci-fi epic “Megalopolis,” the director’s self-funded passion project, is tracking to a disappointing $5 million to $7 million box office debut. The film,...
Disney, following the lead of Netflix, has widely rolled out a program aimed at converting Disney+ password-borrowers into paying customers. This week, Disney+ began informing subscribers...
The feature adaptation of Emily Henry’s bestseller “People We Meet on Vacation” has added a few more of those “people,” with Miles Heizer (“13 Reasons Why,”...
Spanish authorities recently announced that five people were arrested this year and face fraud and money laundering charges after posing as Brad Pitt online and scamming...
Holiday records tend to be more of a late-career refuge for artists who see an easy shot to knock off some covers than something most top-flank...