Ian Bawa’s “My Son Went Quiet” tells a story of grief and ghosts. In the film, a Father (Harkaran Jhinger) and Son (Jay Vaidyanathan) have just...
The first season of “Severance” was one of the best standalone TV outings of the streaming era, all the way down to its incredible conclusion. But...
It’s a bit disconcerting to see the “new kid” of Cook County General Hospital on the massive hit “ER” become the grizzled veteran of a similar...
A beachside gathering for artists and industry folks to mingle in a casual environment, this year the Spirit Awards Nominee Brunch turned into a uniquely contemplative...
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association handed out their Golden Globe Awards on Sunday, January 5th, and Brady Corbet’s “The Brutalist” and Jacques Audiard’s “Emilia Pérez” were...
I am saddened to hear of the passing of Josh Welsh, the longtime president of Film Independent, and on behalf of all of us at RogerEbert.com...
“Going Dutch” is supposed to be a comedy. I think. The major clue is that the episodes are 22 minutes long. There certainly aren’t a lot...
Few things are as common yet as earth-shattering as love and death. Maura Delpero’s “Vermiglio” explores these core human experiences in all their thorny complexities. In...
In keeping with October and November’s Unloveds, this video essay is as much an exploration of a freshly neglected movie as it is a tribute and...
HAPPY NEW YEAR! And thank you for joining us here at RogerEbert.com as we share our film reviews, TV/streaming reviews, collections, interviews, journal entries and more. All of our contributors and their individual collections of...