The leaves are changing, the weather is cooling, and the cinephile set is lining up outside of Alice Tully Hall and the Walter Reade Theater. New...
“A Different Man’s” point of view is layered, introspective, and completely unique. The second collaboration between actor Adam Pearson and writer-director Aaron Schimberg — the two...
John Amos was a pioneer in more ways than one. A tall, broad-shouldered man with a barrel chest, a winning smile, and an arsenal of “You’ve...
Armano Iannucci, the genius behind “The Thick of It,” “Veep,” and “The Death of Stalin,” feels like a perfect fit for a takedown of superhero movie...
South Korea’s “The Hill of Secrets” is a seemingly simple coming-of-age tale that turns out to be more complex than it first appears. Set in a...
The new body horror film “The Substance” from French filmmaker Coralie Fargeat is not for the squeamish. A satire about the tolls of toxic beauty culture,...
This month, we pay tribute not just to a movie that almost instantly fell out of the public consciousness but to a great writer as well. North...
Sometimes, when I watch a short film, particularly a documentary, I come away feeling that it could have gone on another thirty minutes or so, and...
It’s impossible to talk about New Queer Cinema without talking about Gregg Araki, whose low-fi, erotic, playfully surreal style still feels one of a kind. He...
Almost exactly forty-seven years ago, I saw Kris Kristofferson for the first time when my two primary interests as a four-year-old bled into each other. On...