Summary Rare pickaxes in Fortnite hold significant value and status, making them desired by players for their exclusivity and unique designs. The Diamond Jack, Rockbreaker, and...
Summary Brown-haired anime girls are relatable and beloved for their down-to-earth, kind-hearted personas. Popular anime now feature characters with unique hair colors to stand out, like...
Summary Dinosaur-centered survival horror games could dominate the genre in 2025. Titles like Instinction, FEROCIOUS, and Jurassic Park: Survival are set to bring the trend to...
Holiday shoppers looking for high-end gaming displays, here’s one of the best deals available right now. The Samsung Odyssey G93SC gaming monitor is now priced at...
Summary Characters from the Dragon Ball franchise have gone through incredible and impressive power increases. Frieza’s power increases from 530,000 to 120 million; Super Saiyan Goku...
Key Takeaways 3DS game prices are soaring, with some titles reaching over $1,000 due to rarity and demand. Standout games like Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn and...
Key Takeaways Marvel Rivals features anti-heroes like Punisher and Scarlet Witch, adding moral complexity to the game. The game’s narrative revolves around Timestream Entanglement, forcing heroes,...
Key Takeaways The First Berserker: Khazan will reportedly hit the market on March 27, 2025. The game’s release date may be officially announced at The Game...
Key Takeaways The developer of Path of Exile 2 has issued an apology for extended wait times faced by players submitting support requests. Grinding Gear Games...
Key Takeaways Valve has added the Steam Deck OLED to its Certified Refurbished program. Refurbished Steam Deck OLED units can be purchased for at least $110...