Summary Non-canon Dragon Ball transformations offer unique and awe-inspiring power-ups. Legendary Super Saiyan Broly was overpowered by Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta. Cumber’s Evil Saiyan form is...
Summary DS RPGs offered non-randomized battles, enhancing player experience. Tactical experiences on the DS could match up with graphics limitations. Games like The World Ends With...
Summary Solo Leveling -ReAwakening- movie earned $2.4 million in the U.S., ranking 7th at the box office. The movie is a 120-minute recap of Season 1...
Summary Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has a dark story but light-hearted quests for players to enjoy. Grand Theft Auto 5 pokes fun at...
Summary Unreal Engine has evolved through five generations, each bringing vast improvements and stunning visuals. Deus Ex, BioShock, and Batman: Arkham Knight are standout games from...
Strands is here to bend your mind and give you a big challenge to start your day. In order to win, you will need to figure...
Summary Overwatch 2 players find a secret Easter egg while fishing on Antarctic Peninsula, which references a rare character skin. Players shoot rounds into fishing holes...
Summary Dip weapons on burning companions for extra damage in Baldur’s Gate 3 combat. Larian’s sandbox design allows for unique gameplay discoveries in Baldur’s Gate 3....
Summary Ghost of Yotei can evolve combat by revisiting stances from Ghost of Tsushima for nostalgia. Atsu can learn stances indirectly through Jin’s legacy or unique...
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio’s latest game, currently titled Project Century, may break a tradition that has held for other protagonists from the company. Of course, since...