Key Takeaways The sequel to Ghost of Tsushima, Ghost of Yotei, is set in 1603 in Ezo with a new protagonist, Atsu. Atsu travels to Ezo...
This time ten months ago, most gamers had never heard of Japanese developer Pocketpair or its debut title Palworld. However, that quickly changed following the game’s...
The success of the real-time strategy genre has been a cornerstone of PC gaming for decades. Its versatility is part of the secret to its success;...
Key Takeaways Easy ways to level skills in Skyrim include exploiting essential NPCs, spamming low-level spells, and magic combo tricks. Players can increase skills fast by...
Key Takeaways Cloverworks has a diverse catalog of anime, from dark fantasy to romance and adventure. Fan favorites include “Darling in the Franxx,” “The Promised Neverland,”...
Key Takeaways Gotham Knights offers 16 suit styles that players can acquire in various ways, including random loot drops and pre-order or deluxe edition bonuses. The...
Key Takeaways The conflict between the Alliance and the Horde has been central to Warcraft, with various battles and betrayals over resources. The Battle for Azeroth...
Forza Horizon 5 has the most cars out of any game in the series, with nearly 800 different vehicles, with many being released via added content....
Key Takeaways A Destiny 2 player created a Poseidon-inspired armor set for their Hunter. The unique design impressed gamers, showcasing creativity in outfit customization. Custom armor...
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