Fantasian Neo Dimension begins with an engaging story centered around characters like Leo and Kina, drawing players into its beautifully crafted world. Warping, a fast travel...
Summary The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is heading to PC on April 3, 2025. Sony has been bringing PlayStation exclusives to PC regularly. The...
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Summary Obsidian Entertainment releases a gameplay trailer for The Outer Worlds 2 at The Game Awards 2024. The Outer Worlds 2’s gameplay trailer reveals that the...
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PS5 Your changes have been saved Email has already been sent close You’ve reached your account maximum for followed topics. Manage Your List Follow Followed Follow...
Summary Jim Carrey returns to Sonic The Hedgehog as Doctor Eggman and Gerald Robotnik in Sonic The Hedgehog 3. Keanu Reeves joins the cast as Shadow,...
Summary Pokemon GO is partnering with McDonald’s for exclusive in-person events and bonuses, including Lure Modules and Raid Battles. The Dual Destiny season runs through March...
Quick Links What Are Jewels & Jewel Sockets In Path of Exile 2? How To Slot Jewels Into Jewel Sockets In PoE 2 There are a...
Summary Balatro’s Friends of Jimbo 3 update introduces 8 new card skins from titles like Warframe and Divinity: Original Sin 2. The game achieved over 3.5...