Summary New Gundam project named GQuuuuuuX announced with staff from Gainax and Evangelion. Series to have theatrical cut in Japan Jan 17, 2025, with international release...
Summary Starting a new file with a mono-type team adds a challenging twist to Pokemon Sword & Shield. Water-type Pokemon like Blastoise and Wishiwashi are recommended...
Summary Fall Guys teased a collaboration with The Muppets, hinting at new skins and cosmetics for players to enjoy. The game’s history of successful crossovers includes...
There are only nine Electric type Pokemon in Generation 1, including multiple stages in the same evolution line. Ranking them from worst to best requires taking...
Summary Isekai stories can feature protagonists versed in traditional martial arts, community dynamics, and varied genres beyond action and adventure. No Longer Allowed in Another World...
Summary PS4 has an impressive lineup of JRPGs with franchises like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Titles like Ys 9 offer diverse gameplay with unique heroes...
Summary Pokemon TCG introduces new Scarlet & Violet set, bringing back Pokemon EX cards and Generation 9 Pokemon. Most wanted cards from Scarlet & Violet set...
Spoilers for Secret Level ‘s Pac-Man “Circle” episode ahead. Shadow Labyrinth was revealed at The Game Awards 2024, shocking viewers as the colorful mazes of Pac-Man...
As we get closer to the holiday season, more and more electronics are receiving massive discounts. If you’ve been meaning to change your living room TV...
Summary Ikkaku has been in 7 intense battles, showing courage despite his personal feelings affecting his fights. Zaraki Kenpachi, with 8 battles, has an unpredictable fighting...