Finally a bit of good news as developer Tango Gameworks appears to have survived its closure. The studio, responsible for The Evil Within series, Ghostwire Tokyo...
During the 30th Sarajevo Film Festival (Aug. 16 to 23), CineLink, the festival’s industry program, will present its work-in-progress showcase. This includes eight feature-length fiction and...
As businesses increasingly rely on a complex web of vendors—on average, partnering with 11 third-party providers—the potential gateway for cybercriminals increases. This interconnectedness means that even...
Chinese family comedy-drama, “Successor” held on to its place at the top of the mainland China box office for the fifth week as “Deadpool & Wolverine”...
Alogic Clarity Pro Touch 27: 30-second review The Alogic Clarity Pro Touch 27in UHD 4K Monitor is one of a few high-quality touch-ready monitors on the...
Indian cinema stalwarts Rani Mukerji and Karan Johar are set to deliver a keynote address at the Australian Parliament House on Aug. 13. The event precedes...
Rising Indian star Taha Shah Badussha, known for his breakout role in Netflix’s “Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar,” has signed a three-film deal with Ramesh Sippy Entertainment....
Charles R. Cross, a Seattle-based music journalist who edited the city’s preeminent alt-weekly, the Rocket, and penned bestselling biographies of Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix and other...
Back in January 2024, we declared Lenovo’s ThinkCenter Neo Ultra the best Apple Mac Studio alternative on the market, but the company has now launched an...
Disney’s splashy Legends ceremony brought a cavalcade of A-listers to Anaheim’s Honda Center on Sunday evening during the conclusion of the Mouse House’s D23 Expo. Disney’s...