Acclaimed Japanese director Lisa Takeba (“The Pinkie,” “Signal 100”) is developing “Children of the River,” a Japan-Italy co-production that explores themes of identity and loss through...
Months after switching up its ethos of “women making the first move,” Bumble announces changes to its Opening Moves feature. Since its inception in 2014, Bumble...
The Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment (CAPE) is partnering with Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) to launch Beyond Japan, a program aimed at connecting Japanese...
New research has claimed the shift toward carrier-neutral Internet Exchanges (IXs) is revolutionizing data center connectivity, providing geographical diversity, redundancy, and flexibility to meet the increasing...
SAVE UP TO 50%: Ninja kitchen appliances are on sale at Amazon for up to 50% off, including air fryers, blenders, indoor grills, coffee makers, and...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences laid off a major contingent of staff members in its archive and library on Wednesday, including Academy Film...
Google Maps is becoming more of a tour guide thanks to Google’s Gemini AI models. The AI assistant will offer suggestions for places to visit, sum...
SAVE $38.22: As of Oct. 31, get a 4-pack of Samsung Galaxy SmartTag2 trackers for $61.77 at Amazon. That’s a 38% discount. Losing important items is...
Kino Lorber has acquired North American distribution rights to “Being Maria,” a French movie revolving around the controversial production of Bernardo Bertolucci’s 1972 film “Last Tango...
Quordle was one of the original Wordle alternatives and is still going strong now more than 1,000 games later. It offers a genuine challenge, though, so...