New York-based Singaporean filmmaker Kirsten Tan is set to direct “Crocodile Rock,” a film that explores the underground lesbian club culture of 1990s Singapore. The project...
Quordle was one of the original Wordle alternatives and is still going strong now nearly 1,000 games later. It offers a genuine challenge, though, so read...
Connections is the latest New York Times word game that’s captured the public’s attention. The game is all about finding the “common threads between words.” And...
Gang Dong-won, cuts a thrilling figure as a slave-turned-rebel warrior in “Uprising,” the sumptuous period action movie that was the opening gala title of this week’s...
Good morning! Let’s play Connections, the NYT’s clever word game that challenges you to group answers in various categories. It can be tough, so read on...
“Stunning” doesn’t even begin to cover it, but RaMell Ross’ Nickel Boys is one of those rare Hollywood productions — perhaps alongside this year’s I Saw...
Singapore-born filmmaker Nelicia Low’s feature debut “Pierce” is making waves on the festival circuit, securing the best director award at Karlovy Vary and earning a spot...
Pakistan vs England 1st Test match at Multan Cricket Stadium begins a three-match test series. The Second Test will also be at Multan, before the teams...
TL;DR: This coding certification bundle packs everything you need to learn to code, from Python basics to AI development, all for just $39.97 through October 27....
Michel Blanc, the French actor known for the “Les Bronzés” films and crime drama “Monsieur Hire,” has died. He was 72. Blanc died early Friday morning,...