As the name suggests, ‘Josei’ (‘women’) refers to manga aimed towards women, rather than their younger ‘shojo’ (‘girls’) counterpart. Both largely follow women and girls, and...
Summary Dragon Ball features epic and terrifying transformations that can decimate enemies. Some notable transformations include Super Saiyan Rage, Super Saiyan Rose, and Destroyer Form. Frieza’s...
Quick Links When Does Black Ops 6 & Warzone Season 2 Release? What To Expect For Black Ops 6 & Warzone Season 2 The launch of...
Age of Darkness is all about exploration, expansion, and base defense. If your hero and his band of soldiers are busy exploring the desolate, Nightmare-infested wastelands,...
Summary Act 2 of Path of Exile 2 features 14 bosses, some mandatory and some optional, with unique rewards and challenging mechanics. Balbala the Traitor, an...
When people think of open-world games, the first thing that comes to mind is a huge world with impressive 3D graphics that will immerse players in...
Summary Folklore-based storytelling in games allows for magical elements and historical blending. Where The Water Tastes Like Wine uses folklore as currency, emphasizing the value of...
Summary Hito Hito no Mi: Chopper repurposed human intellect to become a skilled doctor and fighter. Pero Pero no Mi: Perospero uses candy to create weapons,...
Cyberpunk 2077 involves an ever-changing world where Night City stops and sleeps for no one. In the bustle and the hustle of this expansive dystopian city,...
Summary Fans honored David Lynch in Stardew Valley with a shrine showcasing his filmography and talents. Stardew Valley offers players a cozy escape, perfect for sharing...