The upcoming Dragon Age: The Veilguard introduces several intriguing new characters, including Bellara, a Veiljumper with potentially deep ties to the elven god Dirthamen. Bellara’s vallaslin,...
The essence of Maggie Smith’s greatness as an actor was in her timing. She could be extravagantly physically expressive, getting bold effects with the angular tilt...
The entire state and balance of the One Piece world is maintained by a system called the ‘Three Great Powers’. These powers are essentially 3 of...
Cal Kestis has had to contend with quite a few diverse enemies ever since the clones were ordered to turn on the Jedi and the Star...
Ever since the start of One Piece, the Straw Hat Pirates have been on countless adventures to new and fantastical places that changed the way that...
While more recent consoles like the Switch or the supposedly upcoming Switch 2 have greatly broadened its variety of 3rd party games, there was a while...
We’re closing out our coverage of an excellent Fantastic Fest this year with a trio of very different films, all worth seeing when they find their...
Quick Links Remnant 2: Prototype Parts Locations Remnant 2: How to Repair the Robot There are four Prototype parts in Remnant 2‘s The Dark Horizon DLC,...
Follow Us : Rooting its vicious, survivalist thrills in the dog days of the apocalypse while acting as an epilogue to the Book of Revelation, director E.L....
Personality Traits in Crusader Kings 3 are the most defining Traits for characters, as they not only provide stats and other bonuses or negatives, but they...