Summary Venom combines tank and DPS roles, granting extra health and powerful abilities. Iron Man serves as a sniper with unmatched range due to his flight...
FromSoftware sits comfortably as one of gaming’s most prestigious and consistently impressive developers, pushing the boundaries of the medium and constantly striving to one-up itself. 2024...
IQ Test offers players to test their wits and logic by solving various puzzles. Each room contains challenges that may seem pretty easy at first glance....
Freedom Wars Remastered is an intense action RPG set in a dystopian world where players must fight for their freedom by battling massive Abductors. The game’s...
Players can unlock different skills, buy weapons, and more to create a powerful build in Jujutsu Infinite. And to achieve maximum power, you will have to...
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the greatest games ever made. That should not be a controversial statement. Developed by CD Projekt Red and...
To progress in Jujutsu Infinite, you need to complete missions, fight enemies, participate in raids, and much more. This way, you will earn useful resources and...
Quick Links How To Level Up Your Comrades In Freedom Wars Remastered Which Comrades Should You Level Up In Freedom Wars Remastered Whenever you start an...
Summary New season of The Apothecary Diaries brings more history-based storytelling, humor, and stunning animation. The opening theme ‘Hyakka Ryoran’ sets the tone for an intensified...
Summary One Piece Fan Letter became the top-rated TV movie or special on Letterboxd in 2024. Megumi Ishitani, a legendary director, is interested in directing a...