In the realm of gaming, few franchises have managed to captivate and endure, like Sonic the Hedgehog. Since its inception in 1991, this iconic series has...
Summary Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered will feature cut dialogue from playable characters, adding more context to the third title. Kurtis Trent will receive upgrades, expanding on...
There are a few gaming mice currently on the market that offer a 8000 Hz polling rate, but none of them are as cheap as the...
Summary Elite skins in Rainbow Six Siege offer complete makeovers with unique animations, weapon skins, and charms. Ubisoft has introduced Elite skins for almost every operator,...
Summary Baldur’s Gate 3 features powerful level-two spells like Blur, Aid, and Shatter for defensive and offensive strategies. Blur grants evasion, Aid boosts hit points, and...
Summary Nintendo ensures no two Zelda games are the same, with unique art styles and graphical quality to keep them fresh. Majora’s Mask 3D revamped original...
Summary Bot Lane diversity in League of Legends has expanded to include marksmen, mages, and fighters, providing more strategic options. The best Bot Laners are subject...
Summary Corinne Busche, the game director of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, is leaving BioWare. Busche’s exit is said to be unrelated to The Veilguard’s commercial performance....
Damn you, James Gunn. You got me again. That’s what I was thinking at the end of the fourth episode of the Max animated series “Creature...
Summary Dr. Cid is a creepy, maniacal villain in Final Fantasy 12 with a powerful presence. Jecht from FF10 is a complex father figure with a...