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How To Get All The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Endings



The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe Endings

Galactic Cafe’s The Stanley Parable is among the best and most unusual indie games of the 2010s, and the original version still holds up well. While meta-stories are relatively commonplace nowadays, this modern classic handles the concept with incredible wit, all the while offering a satisfying experience that is not dependent solely on humor. Crows Crows Crows’ The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Edition brought the game to consoles, although PC players will also want to check this version out. Rather than a simple remaster or remake, Ultra Deluxe expands significantly on the base release, serving as something of a sequel.

A single run can be completed quickly, but players will want to consider replaying the game to unlock the many, many endings. As unlocking all The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe endings is easier said than done, here is a breakdown of all the ways a playthrough can end.



6 Most Surreal Video Games

Some video games, especially those in the indie genre, like to dip into the surreal. These examples are some of the best.


Updated on February 20, 2025 by Mark Sammut: Due to being part of PS Plus Essential’s January 2025 lineup, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe has recently joined a lot of new libraries. While the original game is quite old by this point, the remake/sequel version has only been out for a couple of years, and Ultra Deluxe is 100% worth playing even for those who thoroughly completed The Stanley Parable. Completionist runs will want to unlock every ending in the game.

Available Endings Before the Two Doors Room

The Reluctance Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe 427

The Reluctance Ending, also known as the Coward Ending, simply requires the player to close the office door to Room 427. Some short but sweet dialogue comes from the Narrator calling out Stanley’s apparent cowardice before the game resets.

This ending is deceptively easy to reach, but can still be missed by players. No new dialogue is given if the player brings the bucket into this ending.


The Heaven Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Heaven END

Accessing the Heaven Ending relies on the player interacting with certain screens over multiple playthroughs. If done correctly, the final screen will replace Stanley’s monitor in Room 427, making this another ending that can potentially be accessed right from the start of a new playthrough.

More information on the monitor locations can be found on The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Edition “Heaven Ending” guide. No new dialogue is given if the player brings the bucket into this ending.

Out of Map Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Heaven 4

It is possible to get outside the game’s map by leaving Stanley’s office and moving over to Desk 434 in the first open-plan room. A typically crazy Stanley Parable achievement/trophy is awarded if the player keeps on trying to jump, but it is simple enough to guide Stanley onto the desk using the chair.

Once in position, Stanley can be guided out of the window into the white void. The Narrator chimes in after this, with a question asking if the player is bored with the meta gag yet.

Choosing “YES” will cause the Narrator to perform a humorous song about Stanley, whereas “NO” will continue with a more thoughtful voiceover.


The Whiteboard Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Confusion

Occasionally, the path to the Two Doors Room will change due to The Stanley Parable‘s semi-random map designs. Rather than going straight out of Stanley’s office, right, straight ahead, and left, the layout will be notably different.

Sometimes it will be reversed, or just a straight line to the Two Doors Room, or the external office will have blue decor and not be brightly lit.

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Whiteboard

By leaving Stanley’s office and opening the door to Room 426, the player is given the Whiteboard Ending. Interacting with a special box in the bottom right corner of the whiteboard will cause dog barking sound effects to play. No new Narrator dialogue or optional bucket ending occurs.



8 Horror Games With The Best Endings

For gamers looking to enjoy some satisfying conclusions, these horror games feature some of the best endings out there.

All Left Door Ending Paths

The Insane Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Insane

After getting to the Two Doors Room, go into the left door. Then head down the stairs. This will lead Stanley into an inescapable looping network of rooms, along with the Narrator directing the player to the unusual surroundings.


The rest of this path is essentially a playable cutscene, leading to a new ending scene featuring a new character called Mariella.

The Escape Pod Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Escape Pod

The Escape Pod route stands out amongst other Stanley Parable endings, notably because triggering it causes the Narrator to disappear. Taking the left door and going up the stairs leads to the Boss’s Office, but the player needs to briefly enter before backing out of the room.

If done correctly, the double doors will close permanently, leaving Stanley outside the office, along with the Narrator’s dialogue disappearing. Now, all the player has to do is backtrack all the way to Room 427 and head through the newly opened office door.

The Press Conference Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Press

After arriving at the Two Doors Room, go left, up the stairs, into the Boss’s Office, enter the keypad code the Narrator tells Stanley (2845), and an elevator is revealed. However, after getting in it and heading downwards, the player can press the buttons again and go back up.

After enough attempts of going up and down, Stanley will be taken to a new location. The ornate path has lots of in-jokes and inspirational posters about Stanley giving a press conference, surrounded by cheering audience members.


The Museum Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe MCF Escape

The Museum Ending can take a while to reach, but the path to it is quite direct. Left at the two doors, up the stairs, into the Boss’s Office, unlock the secret passageway, and down the elevator. Stepping out of the elevator and along the path will reveal another split path.

Taking the corridor labeled “ESCAPE” will result in Stanley falling into a machine that looks like it will kill him, but luckily it stops short.

A new female Narrator rescues Stanley and directs the player to a museum showcasing The Stanley Parable‘s development, accompanied by a lot of interesting trivia and content.

“Bottom of the Mind Control Facility” Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe MCF Floor

From the start of Stanley’s office, go left at the two doors, up the stairs, and into the Boss’s office. Once the secret passageway is opened, head down the elevator and into the Mind Control Facility.

Rather than following the path along the catwalks, it is possible to climb on the chair and desk housing the lightbulb button and fall off the walkway into the abyss below. In the original game, this was a bug, but the Narrator tells the player about this new ending path.


The Countdown Ending


The Countdown Ending is simple enough to reach, but the outcome itself can misdirect players. From the start of Stanley’s office, go left at the two doors, up the stairs, and into the Boss’s office. Once the secret passageway is opened, head down the elevator and into the Mind Control Facility.

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe MCF Buttons

Follow the path along the catwalks until Stanley arrives at two buttons and press the ON button. More details about this ending path are written in The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Countdown Ending guide.

The Freedom Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Freedom

The Freedom Ending is considered the “real” ending of The Stanley Parable, and can only be accessed by following every step the Narrator says. Left at the two doors, up the stairs, through the Boss’s Office, down the elevator, into the Mind Control Facility, and press the OFF button.

This ending specifically counts as beating the game, which earns the player an achievement/trophy. Speedrunning the path to the Freedom Ending has similar rewards for the player.



10 Games With The Most Disturbing Alternate Endings

The “good” endings of video games are often canon, but because of this, some games also feature truly disturbing alternate endings.


All Right Door Ending Paths

The Confusion Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Confusion Elevator

Upon reaching the Two Doors Room, go through the right door which detours to the Employee Lounge. After leaving the lounge, take the open door on the left and go down the elevator.

This automatically leads to the desired ending, but more information is available in The Confusion Ending Guide.

The Powerful/Cold Feet Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Cargo

Disobeying the Narrator’s instructions will lead Stanley to the Cargo Room, accessed by moving through the right door and straight ahead after the Employee Lounge.

Walking back off the cargo lift or just immediately jumping to the floor below results in Stanley dying, with some sarcastic dialogue from the Narrator. The dialogue slightly varies between both endings, but the outcome is the same.

The Vent Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Vent

The Vent Ending is a new addition to the Ultra Deluxe edition, accessible after reaching the Cargo Room. From Stanley’s starting office, head right at the two doors and straight ahead to the Cargo Room.


Rather than getting on the lift, it is possible to guide Stanley over the fence on the left by using a plank propped up against the boxes, followed by crouching into the nearby vent. It is considerably easier to get this ending while looking for all the mini-Stanley figurines.

The Phone Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Phone

The Phone Ending is quite direct to follow, disobeying the Narrator as he points the player toward a new room. Right at the Two Doors room, straight ahead to the Cargo Room, onto the cargo lift, and wait until it reaches the other side.

Once it does, continue onward until a room opens up. Head inside to find a phone that, when interacted with, will teleport Stanley to his apparent home and a nasty surprise twist.



5 Games That Embrace the Absurdity of Existence

Games that focus on themes of existence can usually hit quite hard. Here are some of the best ones for players to dive into.

The Real Person Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Real Person

This ending path is identical to the previous Phone Ending but requires a non-intuitive action to achieve. Following that route, it is possible to unplug the phone rather than answering it, which will perplex the Narrator.


After a short fictional PSA plays, the Narrator tells Stanley to go back to the Two Doors room. What follows is a continuous series of gameplay loops as the Narrator tries to recapture the lost story.

The Zending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Zending

This story path can be achieved by walking off of the cargo lift onto the catwalk below while the Narrator is speaking. Continuing down the new pathway reveals a red door and a blue door.

Following the Narrator’s direction and going through the Red Door opens up a new path for the player, revealing a room with ethereal light and music. The only way to get out of this ending path is by heading back to a flight of stairs and repeatedly jumping off, accompanied by some black comedy dialogue from the Narrator.

The Art Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Baby

This ending and the Games Ending can only be attained by heading through the Blue Door instead of the Red Door.

The Narrator will keep resetting Stanley back to the colored doors and insisting he goes through the Red one; the third time will move the Blue Door behind Stanley, but it can still be entered.


After exploring the unmade map locations, the Narrator will provide an artistic game that subverts The Stanley Parable. This requires the player to press a red button for four hours. This is time-consuming and repetitive, but still possible for determined players.

Two hours in, the Narrator will reveal a secondary button several steps away that also needs to be pressed. After four successful hours, a cutscene will play showcasing the “essence of divine art.”

The Games Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Firewatch

Repeatedly heading through the Blue Door and failing the Baby Game will result in the Narrator insulting Stanley, before taking him to “someone else’s game” instead. Firewatch and Rocket League are both briefly explored before the Narrator changes his mind and dumps Stanley back in a broken office map.



Best Indie Games With Multiple Endings

The following indie games don’t saddle players with just one ending. There are a variety of conclusions based on the player’s actions.

“Ultra Deluxe Edition” Endings

New Content Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe New Content

The path to the New Content will open randomly after the player has seen several endings. Once triggered, the Door labeled 416 in the corridor before the Two Doors Room will change to read “NEW CONTENT.” Heading into this door will lead to a literal on-rails path that guides Stanley through a brief history of The Stanley Parable.


Skip Button Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Skip Button

This will take the player through a new location called The Memory Zone, which holds content similar to the Museum Ending. Following the path will eventually lead to a room that contains a Skip Button.

Continually pressing it will skip the Narrator’s dialogue, allowing for long periods of time to pass. Eventually, after several presses, the ceiling will collapse and allow Stanley to escape.

The SEQUEL Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe New New Content

After the deliberately disappointing “NEW CONTENT” ending, head back through the corridors and eventually, a neon sign will be presented for Stanley. Heading through this door will unveil a new path created by the Narrator.

This unveils a path to The Stanley Parable 2, with an “Investor Expo” room that holds several setpieces that will apparently appear in the main game. The player can explore them all, but when finished, the Narrator will reset the game with the additional items.

The Whole Hole Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Mostly Infinite Hole

While wandering “The Stanley Parable 2” Expo, it is possible to get another ending by heading to the Infinite Hole section. Patience is required, as it relies on the player falling in the hole until Stanley reaches the bottom.


After this, Stanley can be teleported back to the top and explore again, but jumping back in will cause Stanley to fall for less time. Keep on jumping into the hole until it is only a few feet deep. The frustrated Narrator begins to berate Stanley for “breaking” the hole, but waiting in place will cause the hole to gradually go deeper.

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Hole

Several on-screen prompts will gradually start to appear allowing the player to change perspective, perception, background patterns, and character design. The player can swap these around to their heart’s content before resetting back to the start of the game.

The Figurines Ending

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Figurines

The Stanley Parable 2 Expo offers the chance to find collectibles in the form of figurines that look like Stanley. All of their locations are in a separate guide, but when all six are collected, the player is automatically locked into The Figurines Ending the next time they reset.



36 Video Games With The Most Heartbreaking Endings, Ranked

Heartbreaking endings to poignant stories aren’t reserved for movies and television. Some video games have incredibly sad endings.

The Stanley Parable Reassurance Bucket Endings

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Reassurance Bucket

The Stanley Parable‘s updated re-release boasts lots of new content that add to the original game’s meta endings. However, all of these ending routes can result in revised outcomes for players depending on whether they bring along the “Stanley Parable Reassurance Bucket” or not.

The Stanley Parable - Ultra Deluxe Bucket Blood

Notable examples include the Improved Escape Pod Ending or the Out of Map ending. Picking up the bucket and bringing it outside the map will lead to a surprisingly dark story path.

Rather than a Narrator choice, the bucket apparently talks to Stanley about its harrowing past before getting dispatched with a knife. This ending can be quite jarring and intense for some players, as are most of the bucket-ending subversions.

The Stanley Parable Epilogue


Accessing the epilogue is a bit of a puzzle, but is in keeping with the meta-narrative of The Stanley Parable‘s design. It requires the player to close and re-open the entire game several times, prompting them to interact with several sliders and time settings.

After enough attempts at re-opening the game, the on-screen text will tell the player that they will talk again. When the main menu appears, an Epilogue option will be added.

Selecting this will lead to a playable scene that can be considered another ending, with a bonus achievement/trophy now activated.

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Tag Page Cover Art







April 27, 2022


Crows Crows Crows

How Long To Beat

3 Hours


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