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Smite 2: Best Gods For Each Role



best gods for each role in smite 2 featured image scaled


  • Smite 2 features 23 Gods with significant balance changes and improved graphics.
  • Players shift from Smite to Smite 2 will be rewarded with Legacy Gems
  • Constant meta changes in Smite 2 due to new Gods, balance adjustments, and community feedback.

Smite 2 is a third-person MOBA with 23 Gods so far. With significant balance changes to the Gods and the graphical improvement, Hi-Rez Studios has polished Smite for the new generation devices. The changes in the music and ambiance have also seen positive feedback from the community. Similar to the previous game, Smite 2 features a Conquest mode where players defend the different lanes.

The current roster includes the same Gods from Smite 1, allowing the majority of the players to have an understanding of their attacks and moveset. There is no restriction to playing a God in a specific role so players can play anyone in a role of their choosing. However, some Gods are statically better when played in their designated roles.



Smite 2: How To Get Legacy Gems

Players making the shift from Smite to Smite 2 will be rewarded with Legacy Gems. Here’s how enable the in-game reward.


Updated on February 12, 2025, by Mehrdad Khayyat: Regarding the fact that Smite 2 is still under development, the continuous change in the meta is just inevitable, as the developers still have new Gods to release and more balance adjustments to make, so the more feedback comes in, the closer Smite 2 gets to a balanced state.

As with every other MOBA game, there are five major roles in Smite 2. Each god in the game manages to shine in one or two roles at most, but with fluctuations in the meta, the top spots for the best of each role change frequently.

Best Solo Lane Gods

Solo Lane Gods in Smite 2

In the Solo Lane, two Gods stand out from the rest. The first is Mordred, one of the latest additions to Smite 2. Mordred revolves around his Wrath passive, accumulating as he attacks his enemies. His Heart Slash ultimate roots the enemy, draining their life and healing you in exchange. This ultimate ability can change to where he becomes CC immune and can go through obstacles to airborne the enemies in his path, followed by multiple strikes. However, the upgraded version of the ultimate requires more Wrath.

His Cruel Strikes and Bloodrage are both abilities that allow him to lane efficiently and gain the upper edge over his enemies. The Severing Slice can be difficult to land, especially when you are not up close, but one hit causes the target to Bleed over time. He can scale and deal serious damage later in the game if Mordred is built correctly.


Chaac is the second God for the Solo Lane, and he has a monstrous kit. Chaac has a powerful kit that allows him to deal with any Solo Laner early to mid-game. His Thunder Strike can be used as an offensive tool and a means of disengaging. This is because this attack has a few interactions with his Torrent and Rain Dance abilities. Chaac can heal, slow enemies, and gain Damage Mitigation during his Rain Dance and Storm Call abilities, respectively. This allows Chaac to damage the enemies and act as a frontline by taking less damage and healing most of the time.

Last but not least, let’s not forget about Ra. One of the best things that a solo laner could ever benefit from is speed, and Ra delivers that. While Ra’s base speed is on par with that of Chaac, but he benefits from a passive skill that boosts his movement speed after using an ability. The good news is this buff stacks three times, each stack rewarding the Egyptian god with +5 Movement Speed for 15 seconds.

While Ra is a ranged damage dealer, most of his abilities are built in a way to prevent melee attackers from getting closer to him. Three of Ra’s abilities come with AOE around this god, making anyone who gets up close to him regret their move.

Best Jungle Gods

Jungle Gods in Smite 2

Fenrir being here would come as no surprise to anyone. Fenrir has not been the best in Smite 1 purely because of the many gods who can be played in the Jungle who counter Fenrir. However, with the small roster in Smite 2, Fenrir shines and stomps on mostly anyone who crosses paths with him in the Jungle. Fenrir has a great Jungle clear, allowing him to dive or gank the enemy laners relatively quickly. His Ragnarok ability not only gives him Crowd Control immunity but also allows him to approach an enemy, basic attack them, and grab them to carry them to any position. This ability is game-changing throughout the match. Taking out the Carry away from the fight while your team pushes in can win you control over a side of the map.

The second Jungle is Susano, who can be pretty hard to catch, especially if you know how to play him. Storm Kata and Jet Stream are both abilities that allow Susano to close the gap with the enemies. Jet Stream can also be a disengage tool, as you can teleport to the whirlwind created at a distance. Wind Siphon and his ultimate, Typhoon, are great ways to knock up and pull enemies closer. The Typhoon can be cast earlier; however, this will be a smaller version dealing less damage in its path. Susano can be a powerful pick in the Jungler; however, his ban rate is relatively high.


While not as effective as Fenrir, Aladdin is another solid jungle god in Smite 2 that comes with an amazing passive skill, that could be insanely rewarding if used at the right time. This Indian god can make three wishes at every moment in the match, and one of them is an instant revive, which could be quite useful, especially when the player is too close to beating up AI enemies.

The other wishes include gaining more rewards for killing opponent gods or resetting the cooldown for abilities and items, which again, is utterly useful for a player farming in the jungle.


Smite 2: 7 Best Gods For Beginners Who Never Played The First Game


Players who haven’t checked out Smite before but are looking to get into Smite 2 should start out by experimenting with these gods first.

Best Middle Lane Gods

Mid Lane God in Smite 2

Zeus is one of the best Midlaners in the game. His primary focus is to apply charges onto enemies and then inflict damage depending on how many charges they have. His Thunderclap ability is a great tool for clearing minions and can protect you if you are being ganked. The Lightning Storm ultimate ability can deal massive damage to enemies in a specific area and apply charges. When paired up with Detonate Charge, this ultimate can stun the whole team, making a swift victory for you.

Sol is a unique God with a Heat accumulation mechanic as her passive. As the Heat increases, so does her Intelligence, Strength, Attack Speed, and at max Heat, her Attack Damage. Stellar Burst is an ability that slows and deals damage; meanwhile, her Radiance ability creates a fire circle, which increases in size depending on her Heat, to heal her and damage enemies inside of it. You can use her Disapparate ability to move around quickly but become unable to attack for a few seconds after this ability. Finally, her ultimate Supernova allows her to use her Heat and mark eight areas where she deals fire damage around the small circles.


As Sol is an auto attacker with ramping Attack Speed because of her passive, players can use her in the Carry Role, which is also a viable Role for her.

Anubis is currently the biggest meta in Smite 2 and the absolute best crowd-control god in the game. His abilities to deal with multiple gods are unmatched and he comes with a passive skill that increases his Lifesteal along with other sets of defensive parameters as his health depletes.

Some of the best items that Anubis can benefit from while holding the midline include Archmage’s Gem, Gem of Focus, Rod of Tahuti, and Obsidian Shard.


Best Carry Gods

Carry Gods in Smite 2

Jing Wei is the best Carry God in the Duo Lane in the Conquest Mode. Her Passive allows her to fly from the Fountain over obstacles, shortening the time to reach the lane and continue farming. The Persistent Gust can cause enemies to become airborne, and while inside the area herself, she gains Attack Speed. This ability can also be used with the Agility ability, which is a normal dash but allows Jing Wei to fly momentarily after getting knocked up by Persistent Gust. Explosive Bolts allow her to deal area damage, and her attacks get wider with a high chance of Crit.

Her ultimate Air Strike is a powerful tool that allows her to deal massive damage by flying over enemies in a straight line. After the air strike, she can land ahead of the enemies or fly backward to fire another air strike and fall.

Anhur takes the second spot in the Carry Role because of the utility he provides. The slow from Shifting Sands can allow your Jungler to gank and get free kills easily, and Impale can stun an enemy if you line them up against a wall. He also has a good disengage tool, allowing him to leap forward. His Ultimate has a decent range and deals massive damage, making you CC Immune while the channel is ongoing. This makes it so you can not be interrupted and can focus on impaling the target.



Smite 2: How The Laning System Works

Smite 2 has three lanes as well as a Jungle, which might confuse new players. Here is how the Laning System works.

Best Support Gods

Support Gods in Smite 2

Bacchus is one of the most fun characters and by far the best pick for the Support role. His kit revolves around him being Drunk using his Chug ability, which adds additional effects to the rest of his kit. His Belly Flop into Belch of the Gods combo allows him to leap and airborne the target, followed by a Stun to the enemies before him. He is an excellent Tank Support who can help the frontline for the team and also peel the Carry if needed.


Ares is another Tank character in the Support Role whose essential role is to CC the enemies and provide buffs to allies. He can become quite challenging to take down with the proper build. His Shackles ability and No Escape, ultimate, are both abilities for Crowd Control crippling or either pulling the enemies towards Ares. Bolster Defences increase allies’ protection and damage, while Searing Flash damages enemies in front of Ares.

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